
Subject + Verb + Complement Form
SVC文型は主語+動詞+補語を組み合わせればできます。 補語Cは主語Sや目的語Oが「どういうものであるか」、「どういう状態にあるのか」を説明します。 「S=Cである」という関係を作れば簡単にできます。 【回答例】 My brother is a deliquent kid. 僕の兄は非行少年だ
Please use the subject, verb and complement form.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use the subject, verb and complement form.

Here's are some of my examples. My test yesterday was not so bad, but I must be diligent in order to get a better job in my future.


Here are some of my examples. My test yesterday was not so bad, but I must be diligent in order to get a better job in my future.

1. You cannot use the contraction "here's" (here + is) because you need to use the verb "are", which means that you cannot use the verb "is" also.
Those are good examples. Can you think of more examples to give to make sure you are clear about this?

I tried taking a qualifying examination to improve my knowledge about my job. It's not required for my job promotion, but I believe it must be a helpful experience when I change my job. Unfortunately, my current company employs me as a local employee not expat. Anyway, these questions were hard for me to understand.


I tried taking a qualifying examination to improve my knowledge of my job. It's not required for my job promotion, but I believe that it must be a helpful experience when I change my job. Unfortunately, my current company employed me as a local employee, not an expatriate. Anyway, these questions were hard for me to understand.

1. The preposition "of" is used for saying who or what has a particular feature, aspect, or quality. For example, "We were impressed by the size OF the building. I don’t remember the name OF the street."
2. Some verbs can be followed by a that-clause acting as the direct object. People often leave out the preposition “that” after these verbs, especially in informal speaking.
3. Use the past simple tense when talking about something that happened in the past (the action is finished/happened in the past).
4. You need to use a comma before “not” when it is being used as a parenthetical phrase, usually at the end of a sentence. A parenthetical expression is a word or group of words added to a sentence without changing the meaning or grammar of the original sentence.
5. The indefinite article takes two forms. It’s the word "a" when it precedes a word that begins with a consonant. It’s the word "an" when it precedes a word that begins with a vowel. The indefinite article indicates that a noun refers to a general idea rather than a particular thing.
6. "Expat" is an informal version of the noun "expatriate".
What questions are hard for you to understand? Did you have to study a manual to take the examination?

There are many questions which are included technical word. No, I just used the text book.


There were many questions that    included technical words. No, I just used the textbook.

1. Use the past simple tense when talking about something that happened in the past (the action is finished/happened in the past).
2. To understand when to use that or which, it’s important to understand clauses. A defining clause (also called an essential clause or a restrictive clause) gives information essential to the meaning of the sentence. “That” is used in defining clauses. “Which” introduces non-defining clauses. Unlike defining clauses, non-defining clauses (also called nonessential or nonrestrictive clauses) don’t limit the meaning of the sentence. You might lose interesting details if you remove them, but the meaning of the sentence wouldn’t change. Sometimes, these phrases are set off by commas. Also, the main difference is that you need to use a comma before "which" and before "that" you don't.
3. You cannot use the passive voice (are included) because "questions" is a subject, which means that you need a predicate in active voice (= included).
4. Use plural form when talking about people or things in general, and not about something specific.
5. "Textbook" is one word.
A good strategy may be to use a dictionary to look up the meaning of the word. Are there mock exams that you can take to test yourself before you take the exam?

Not yet but I plan to take mock tests before taking real one.


Not yet, but I plan to take mock tests before taking real ones.

1. We usually use a comma after the expression "not yet".
2. Use plural form when talking about people or things in general, and not about something specific.
I agree with you, taking a mock examination will help you prepare for the final examination. When are you going to write the final exam?

Next weekend.


I will do it next weekend.

1. Your sentence was not complete. You need a subject (I) + a predicate (will do) + an object (it) in order to form a sentence. A subject and a predicate are the main elements of every sentence.
  • remain(〜のままでいる)
  • become(〜になる)
  • seem(〜のようだ)
  • feel(〜の感じがする)
  • taste(〜の味がする)
  • He is tall.(彼は背が高い。)
  • The leaves turned red in autumn.(秋には葉っぱが紅葉する。)
  • This bread tastes really good.(このパンはとても美味しい。)
  • His dream came true finally.(ついに彼の夢は実現した。)
  • You look tired today.(あなたは今日疲れてるように見える。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 動詞と文型