
Inanimate Subjects
無生物主語は文字通り、人や動物ではない「無生物」が主語となる形になります。 天気だったり、海だったり、渋滞だったり。対応する代表的な表現方法には、 ・allow + O to 〜 Oに〜させることを許す ・make + O 〜 Oを(強制的に)〜させる ・cause + O to 〜 Oに(何かが原因となって)〜させる ・remind + O of 〜 Oに〜を思い出させる といった例が挙げられます。 【回答例】 This textbook reminds me of my school days. 私はこの教科書を見ると学生時代を思い出します。
Please use an inanimate subject.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use an inanimate subject.

This picture remind me of my university days.
Covid-19 make us to work from home.
the vaccine allows us to go outside easier.
Covid-19 causes us not to go overseas.


This picture reminded me of my university days.
Covid-19 restrictions have made us work from home.
The vaccine will make going outside easier.
Covid-19 has stopped us from going overseas.

1. Change the verb form and make use of the past tense since you are discussing something that has already happened.
2,4, and 5. Your original choice of words failed to express your idea clearly, consider making use of these words instead.
3. Always remember to capitalize on every first letter of a new sentence.
Those are very good sentences, you did very well. Keep it up. Would you mind sending more sentences?

Does the government in your country allow people to go outside?


Does the government in your country allow people to go outside?

1. This is just an alternative expression, "Are people in your nation allowed to go outside by the government."
That is a well written sentence, it is very meaningful. Would you want to continue sending more sentences?

1. The heavy rain prevented me from going out.
2. A curfew prevented me from going out at night.
3. His abundant knowledge enabled him to invent a new machine.
4. A sunny weather enables me to go out.
5. My low salary makes my drinking alcohol at nice bars impossible.
Are you a bot or something like that?


1. The heavy rain prevented me from going out.
2. A curfew prevented me from going out at night.
3. His abundant knowledge enabled him to invent the new machine.
4. Sunny weather enables me to go out.
5. My low salary makes my drinking alcohol at nice bars impossible.
Are you a bot or something like that?

1. This is the appropriate article to use in this case as it is used before a noun to define it as something specific ( e.g., something previously mentioned or known, something unique, or something being identified by the speaker).
2. The definite article was unnecessary here as it is used before a noun to define it as something specific ( e.g., something previously mentioned or known, something unique, or something being identified by the speaker).
Those are very good sentences, they are well constructed and very meaningful. I did not get the last question, would you mind rephrasing?




1. This is just an alternative expression, "Alright."
  • make + O + 動詞の原形(Oに〜させる)
  • enable + O + to 不定詞(Oが〜できるようにする)
  • prevent + O + from + -ing(Oに〜させない)
  • bring + O + to ~ (Oを〜へ連れていく)
  • say(〜と書いてある)
  • This train takes you to the park.(この電車に乗ると、その公園に行けます。)
  • That song reminds me of my school days.(その歌を聞くと、私は学生時代を思い出す。)
  • The internet allows us to get a lot of information.(インターネットのおかげで、私たちはたくさんの情報を入手できる。)
  • Her smile always makes me happy.(彼女の笑顔を見るといつも幸せになる。)
  • The bad weather caused us to stay home.(悪天候の為、私たちは家にいることにした。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 英文法
  • 文の種類