
Sentences that show emphasis
何か強調したいことを表すときには、いくつかのやり方があります。代表的なのは、 ①「do」などの助動詞や形容詞を動詞の前に置く ②繰り返して表現する ③語順を変える といった方法があります。 ①「do」などの助動詞や形容詞を動詞の前に置く doやdoes、didを動詞の前に置くことで、その動詞を強調できます。 I did wash the dishes! 本当に皿を洗ったってば! という風に。他にも、 This is the very movie I wanted to watch. これこそが見たかった映画なんだ。 なんて、veryといった形容詞を置くことでも強調できます。 ②繰り返して表現する 何度も繰り返されたりずっと続いていることを強調したいときには、次のような表現が使えます。 He forgets washing dishes again and again. 彼はお皿を洗うのを何度も何度も忘れるの。 ③語順を変える 例えば、 It was Jimmy that worked at the restaurant. あのレストランで働いてたのはジムだったよ。 というように、 It is (強調したいこと・人) that 〜と語順を変えることでの強調も可能です。 【回答例】 I did finish my homework finally. やっと宿題終わらせたよ She mistakes the same thing again and again. 彼女は同じミスを何回も何回もやるんだ
Please write a sentence that shows emphasis.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use an emphasized sentence.

What I bought was a multi-function car. This car has system for preventing accident due to erroneous stepping on accelerator and brake. There is an increasing number of accidents because drivers mistake the accelerator pedal for the brake pedal. If all of the sudden, you lose your family in such an accident you will get into a long dark tunnel. We learned about it in a lot of news. Today, more and more people are needed more advanced multi-function cars.


What I bought was a multi-function car. This car has system for preventing accident due to erroneous stepping on accelerator and brake. There is an increasing number of accidents because drivers mistake the accelerator pedal for the brake pedal. If all of the sudden, you lose your family in such an accident you will get into a long dark tunnel. We learned about it in a lot of news. Today, more and more people are needed more advanced multi-function cars.

1. Alternative: "we have learnt about in from the news".
2. Alternative: "in need for".
As far as I can remember, the automaker Honda has a car model with that function. It is a great help for better safety. We need more cars like that on the road.

My car is a Toyota. It was last year that I bought this car. I haven't driven for more than two yeas. I had an accident at a ski resort about two years ago. That was rear-end collision with another skier. I had a fracture dislocation of my right shoulder. So, I couldn't drive. It's very inconvenient without a car. There aren't many buses or trains in my town. Only one bus comes every hour or every two hours depends on the place.


My car is a Toyota. It was last year that I bought this car. I haven't driven for more than two years. I had an accident at a ski resort about two years ago. That was rear-end collision with another skier. I had a fracture dislocation of my right shoulder. So, I couldn't drive. It's very inconvenient without a car. There aren't many buses or trains in my town. Only one bus comes every hour or every two hours depending on the place.

1. Changed form fo the verb to match the sentence.
Oh, I made a mistake. In your situation, having a car is essential. Do you want to buy a completely self-driving car in the future?

??? Did I have to say that I had not been driven from at that time to up until I recovered? Yes. very much I had to say so. I'm sorry I made you confused. I can drive a car now. I will try to explain it to you to the best of my ability, however, the more I learn the more I realize how little I know. I'm going to take small steps every day.


??? Did I have to say that I had not been driven from at that time to up until I recovered? Yes. very much I had to say so. I'm sorry I made you confused. I can drive a car now. I will try to explain it to you to the best of my ability, however, the more I learn the more I realize how little I know. I'm going to take small steps every day.

1. Alternative: "did I say that.."
2. Alternative: "driving" . (depending on what you wanted to say we can change the verb, if you were not driving a car then you should say :I haven't been driving, but if you want to say that nobody else was driving you places then you should say "I haven't been driven", so chose the option accordingly).
I am glad you recovered and you are taking baby steps to get back on the road. So are you now driving a multifunctional car? Do you find it easy to drive it?

Yes. I am now driving multifunctional car only for grocery shopping and go to work. When it comes to driving, I am all thumbs. My husband is my driver mostly. It will be one way so as to avoid traffic accidents. I'm afraid that my car has too many functions and still I don't know which is which. If I am to be a good multifunctional car's driver, it goes without saying that my husband is very important. He is a multifunctional husband.


Yes. I am now driving multifunctional car only for grocery shopping and to go to work. When it comes to driving, I am all thumbs. My husband is my driver mostly. It will be one way so as to avoid traffic accidents. I'm afraid that my car has too many functions and still I don't know which is which. If I am to be a good multifunctional car's driver, it goes without saying that my husband is very important. He is a multifunctional husband.

1. Missing preposition.
2. Please discuss this sentence with your Skype teacher, I am not sure if I understood the meaning.
Its good you have a caring and loving husband. What are some of the features on your multifunctional car that makes driving easier besides the brakes and accelerator?

It is attention sounds that when another car approaches, when I have to stop at the crossroads and so on. As I told you before, it also doesn't make any sense. What is which? It makes me want to ask my car what's going on now? Someday, we will have a car to talk to instead of attention sounds. If that happens my car will say to me that I would appreciate it if you could let me take a rest for while? Goodness me!


It is attention sounds that when another car approaches, when I have to stop at the crossroads and so on. As I told you before, it also doesn't make any sense. What is what? It makes me want to ask my car what's going on now? Someday, we will have a car to talk to instead of attention sounds. If that happens my car will say to me that I would appreciate it if you could let me take a rest for while? Goodness me!

1. Changed to complete the phrase.
2. Alternative: "Oh my Goodness"
  • on earth(いったい全体(疑問詞の後にある場合))
  • very(まさにその〜)
  • in the least (少しも〜ない)
  • in the world(いったい全体(疑問詞の後にある場合))
  • What she likes is the cake.(彼女が好きなのは、そのケーキだ。)
  • All you have to do is to study English.(英語を勉強しさえすればいいんだよ。)
  • What on earth are you saying?(あなたは一体全体何を言っているの?)
  • I really did tell you yesterday.(昨日私は本当に言ったよ。)
  • I don't like him at all.(私は彼を全く好きではない。)
  • As for winning the game, that was due to Tom.(試合に勝ったことについては、それはトムのおかげです。)


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  • 上級
  • 英文法
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