
Talking about your experience as a leader at a job interview
Do you have any leadership experience?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have any leadership experience?

I was in the theater club when I was in college. The club had a summer camp once a year and I was the camp chief. Together with three staff members, I decided on the venue, the program, and managed the budget.


I was in the theater club when I was in college. The club had a summer camp once a year and I was the camp chief. Together with three staff members, I decided on the venue and program and managed the budget.

1. Remove "the" and use "and" to connect words of the same part of speech.
2. The comma is unnecessary and should be removed.
What skills and lessons in life did that experience teach you? Were you able to use them in your job?

Through the job, I learned budgeting and scheduling skills and I also improved my communication skills by putting together a lot of members. I believe that these skills will be useful in cooperating with any work.


Through the job, I learned budgeting and scheduling skills and I also improved my communication skills by putting together a lot of members. I believe that these skills will be useful in cooperating with any work.

1. You can also say "grouping."
That sounds like a great experience that has provided you with valuable skills. Have you had the opportunity to apply those skills in a professional setting since then? If so, can you share an example of how you used them effectively?

To be honest, I haven't used them in a professional setting because I haven't had any work experience yet. However, I myself like events, so I have been involved in running them whenever I have the opportunity. Those skills were useful at those times.


To be honest, I haven't used them in a professional setting because I haven't had any work experience yet. However, I    like events, so I have been involved in running them whenever I have the opportunity. Those skills were useful at those times.

1. "myself" is unnecessary, so it should be removed.
2. You can also say "can."
It's wonderful that you've been able to apply your skills in running events outside of a professional setting. In the future, when you do enter the professional world, how do you envision utilizing your leadership skills and experiences?

If I could join your company, I would like to experience each department and learn the basics. After that, I would like to oversee each department and become a director who can oversee whole departments.


If I could join your company, I would like to experience each department and learn the basics. After that, I would like to oversee each department and become a director who can oversee all the departments.

1. Rephrase to make the meaning clearer.
That's a great aspiration! As a director overseeing multiple departments, what approach do you think you would take to ensure effective collaboration and coordination between teams?

I'll try to understand the teammates as long as it allows, and try to find the best solutions by respecting their opinions. That might be idealistic, but I want to make an effort to be able to do so.


I'll try to understand the teammates as long as it is reasonable and try to find the best solutions by respecting their opinions. That might be idealistic, but I want to make an effort to be able to do so.

1. Rephrase to make the meaning clearer.
  • commander(指揮官)
  • supervisor(監督者)
  • groundbreaking(革新的な、画期的な)
  • pioneer(先駆者、パイオニア)
  • officer(幹部職)
  • superintendent(管理者)
  • director(指導者)
  • overseer(監督、職長、監督官)
  • captain(指令、キャプテン)
  • pacesetter(先導者)
  • I was a commander in the military before retiring to work in the business field.(私は軍の司令官を務めた後、引退してビジネスの分野で働いています。)
  • I was responsible for the overall budget of the project.(そのプロジェクトの全予算の責任者でした。)
  • I was the leader of my team for a huge multi-million dollar construction project.(億万ドルもの建設計画のチームのリーダーを務めました。)
  • My leadership experience began when I was voted captain of my soccer team in middle school.(私のリーダーシップ経験は私が中学校の時にサッカーチームのキャプテンに選出された時から始まりました。)
  • I was class president for two consecutive years at my university.(大学時代は2年連続クラス長をしていました。)
  • I coordinated the efforts of seven departments as we merged with another company.(私たちは他の会社と合併したため、7つの部署を協働しました。)
  • I was in charge of the accounting department for many years.(私は長年、経理部門を担当していました。)
  • My team and I did some groundbreaking work last year.(昨年、私のチームと私は画期的な仕事をしました。)
  • I led a team of engineers in designing a state of the art bridge that won numerous awards.(私はエンジニアのチームを率いて、数々の賞を受賞した最先端の橋を設計しました。)
  • I was the director of sales for 15 years at my former company.(私は以前の会社で15年間、営業部長を務めていました。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 英語面接
  • 職歴