
The 5Ws and 1H
尋ねたいことが「人」や「もの」「場所」「時間」など、「はい」又は「いいえ」で答えられない時には疑問詞を使いましょう。 5W1HとはWho(だれ)、What(何)、When(いつ)、Where(どこ)、Why(なぜ)、How(どのように)を指します。 他にもWhose(誰のもの)、Which(どれ)等もあります。 疑問詞を使う場合には語順に注意しましょう。大きく2つの語順が考えられます。 ①主語を疑問詞にするー主語を疑問詞に置き換えます。語順は変わりません。 She loves English. → Who loves English? ②主語以外を疑問詞にするーYes/No疑問文を作り、その先頭に疑問詞を置きます。 She loves English. → What does she love? また、「疑問文」の形を使わなくても、ものを尋ねることは可能です。 You understand what he said? 平叙文でも、文末を上げたイントネーションにすることで、疑問や質問の意図を含むことができます。 【回答例】 Who loves playing tennis? 誰がテニスするのが好き? What do you do in your free time? 暇なときって何してるの?
Please use an interrogative sentence using the 5W's and 1H.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use an interrogative sentence using the 5W's and 1H.

What do you keep in your mind when you make your presentation? I want to know about it because I have to present my work in October.


What do you keep in    mind when you make your presentation? I want to know about it because I have to present my work in October.

1. No need for this pronoun here, it's redundant.
Make it engaging. It is acceptable to make your presentation interactive while you are delivering it. You can always ask questions like, "Do you agree?" "Have you ever...?" "Can you remember the last time you...?" Even if you don't answer these questions with specific incidents, people will still be drawn to you. What do you think?

Thank you for your opinion. I think it's a good idea too. Is that effective for a one-way presentation such as an academic conference presentation? I have never seen such presentations in Japan (at domestic conferences).


Thank you for your opinion. I think it's a good idea too. Is that effective for a one-way presentation such as an academic conference presentation? I have never seen such presentations in Japan (at domestic conferences).

1. These are alternative expressions you can use: "productive; fruitful".
Yes, it is effective. While Building your presentation within time constraints, you can also encourage everyone to participate by asking how they feel about the topic to make it more engaging. Have you presented something in English?

I see what you mean. I'll try that, thank you very much. No, not yet. My presentation at the international conference in October will be my first experience. I'm already nervous.


I see what you mean. I'll try that, thank you very much. No, not yet. My presentation at the international conference in October will be my first experience. I'm already nervous.

1. These are alternative expressions you can use: "anxious; tense".
You're welcome. The month of October is fast approaching. How are you preparing for your presentation? Have you prepared some scripts? Who will be the participants?

That's true... I'm preparing the presentation slide and scripts. The conference will be attended by many acoustic researchers. Are you good at presenting in front of a large audience? If so, please tell me any tips for not getting nervous.


That's true... I'm preparing the presentation slides and scripts. The conference will be attended by many acoustic researchers. Are you good at presenting in front of a large audience? If so, please tell me any tips for not getting nervous.

1. You are talking about more than one slide, so the noun needs to be in the plural form.
I get nervous really easily actually, but I don't think it shows. I always try to memorize the things I want to say as much as I can so that I can rely more on myself. I also always try to speak loudly and clearly, which can, in a sense, "fake" confidence. Once you start, the nervousness will slowly fade. What do you think about these techniques?

Thank you for the useful information. I'll keep that in mind. I understand the importance of preparation from your opinion.


Thank you for the useful information. I'll keep that in mind. I understand the importance of preparation from your suggestions.

1. The noun "suggestion" means "an idea or plan put forward for consideration".
  • What kind of ~ ?(どんな種類の〜?)
  • How about ~?(〜はどうですか?)
  • How come ~?(なぜ〜?)
  • How's it going?(調子はどう?)
  • Whose(誰の)
  • Why are you interested in it?(なぜそれに興味があるの?)
  • When did you wake up this morning?(今朝は何時に起きた?)
  • What do you think about it?(それについてどう思う?)
  • Where does he live?(彼はどこに住んでいるの?)
  • Whose pen is this?(これは誰のペンですか?)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 文の種類