
Negative Sentences
否定文を使うときに大切なポイントは「肯定文から作らない」ということ。 日本語の場合は文末で「ない」などの表現を付け足して意味をひっくり返せますが、英語ではそうはいきません。 語順通りに否定語を置いていくのが英語のルールです。 また、何を否定するのかにも気をつけましょう。英語では否定語の位置によっても、何を否定するのかが変わります。 回答例です。下の文だと、彼は結局話してしまったというニュアンスが強くなります。否定したい意味に注意するのが鉄則です。 通常のnotなどを用いた文を含めて自由に作成してみてください。 【回答例】 He didn't try to tell her the rumor. 彼はその噂を彼女に話そうともしなかった He tried not to tell her the rumor. 彼はその噂を彼女に話さないようにした
Please use a negative sentence.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please use a negative sentence.

I hadn't studied English seriously because I didn't have any plan to use it. However, I now can't escape learning English because I have an opportunity to present my work at an international conference.


I hadn't studied English seriously because I didn't have any plan to use it. However, I now can't escape learning English because I have an opportunity to present my work at an international conference.

1. alternative expression: However, now, I have no choice but to do so
Wow, sounds like a golden opportunity you have there! I rarely hear of such privilege in Japanese companies.

Actually, I work for a university, not a company. After the presentation, Q&A sessions will also be held, so I have to improve my listening skills as well as my speaking ones. In particular, I can't hear fast English well. Do you know any good ways to study?


Actually, I work for a university, not a company. After the presentation, Q&A sessions will also be held, so I have to improve my listening skills as well as my speaking skills. In particular, I can't understand fast English well. Do you know any good ways to study?

1. although "ones" was grammatical, it sounds unnatural for a native speaker to use it to substitute "skills"
2. you can perceive it with your ears, but you can't comprehend it
I do shadowing and dictation. From my experience, I can tell that those activities are effective. Do you often listen to audio materials in English?

I see. I'll try them. Lately, I've been watching English movies and listening to some content related to English on podcasts.


I see. I'll try them. Lately, I've been watching English movies and listening to some content related to English on podcasts.

1. alternative expression: I'll give them a try.
That's a good start. In my case, I also try to study other things in English. For example, I read about flower arrangement or any other topic that catch my interest in English. I always take notes so I end up with a list of words that I can memorize and use in conversations.

Nice job! I also read mathematical books. Do you take notes on paper? Or on your smartphone? Do you make a habit of looking at the notes? In my case, if I take notes, I don't look at them later.


Nice job! I also read mathematics books. Do you take notes on paper? Or on your smartphone? Do you make a habit of looking at the notes? In my case, if I take notes, I don't look at them later.

1. the books, per se, are not "mathematical" but are about "mathematics"
These are handwritten notes! I have a lot of notebooks here with scribblings of what I've learned from audio/video materials. I try to look at them once in a while. Well, don't feel pressured about reading them, the practice of writing itself will help you remember.

I see. Thank you for the useful information. I don't have the habit of writing English, so I'll try it.


I see. Thank you for the useful information. I don't have the habit of writing in English, so I'll try it.

1. use this to indicate the language of what will be written
  • negative sentence(否定文)
  • never(一度もない)
  • rarely(めったに〜ない)
  • few(ほとんどない(可算名詞))
  • little(ほとんどない(不可算名詞))
  • She doesn't study hard.(彼女は一生懸命勉強しない。)
  • No one knows what he did.(誰も彼がやったことを知らない。)
  • I have never smoked. (私はこれまで一度もタバコを吸ったことがない。)
  • There were few students in the class room.(教室に生徒はほとんどいなかった。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英文法
  • 文の種類