
Let's go drinking with a co-worker after work
最近日本でもHappy Hourという言葉が定着しつつありますが、アメリカではTavern(バー)イギリスではPubに行く事が多いです。またアメリカではBeer、イギリスではAle(少し色の濃い,発酵方法の異なるビールの一種)を主に飲みます。ビールのことをアメリカではスラングでBrew、Brewskies(日本でもBreweryとビール会社のことを言いますね。)、ビールの生樽をKegと言い、アメリカの大学の学生寮等では週末にKeg Partyを良くやります。
I can't work a minute longer! Let's stop working now.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I can't work a minute longer! Let's stop working now.

Shall we grab a drink and a bite to eat? I can tell you about the new supervisor coming next week you asked me about. Uh, you owe me, right?


Shall we grab a drink and a bite to eat? I can tell you about the new supervisor coming next week you asked me about. Uh, you owe me, right?

1. Alternative expression: I can fill you in on the new supervisor coming next week
Yes, I'd love to, I'm starving. Let's go! Where would you like to go? Is there a place nearby you'd recommend?

I'm still looking for a nice place. Do you have your likes and dislikes?


I'm still looking for a nice place. Do you have any preferences?

1. This is a better way to say if you are asking about what he wants to eat. If you are asking about food in general, you should say 'do you have any foods you dislike', everyone has food they like so you don't need to ask about that.
Oh, I'm not really picky, but I've been craving seafood, so can we go somewhere that serves seafood?

That sounds good. Raw fish isn't my favorite, so how about a Spanish bar? The restaurant is famous for its roast or grilled seafood. Then, can I invite Ken too? He is meant to be the designated driver, as usual.


That sounds good. Raw fish isn't my favorite, so how about a Spanish bar? The restaurant is famous for its roasted  and grilled seafood.  Can I invite Ken too? He is supposed to be the designated driver, as usual.

1. You should use adjective form to describe something.
2. You should use 'and'. The restaurant is famous for both, grilled and roasted seafood.
3. 'Then' is not needed.
4. This is a better word choice. It means he is intended to be the driver.
Oh, grilled seafood goes well with a cold beer, can't wait. Yeah, call him, it's great he doesn't drink. How far is the bar from here?

It takes five minutes on foot. It is on the first floor with an open terrace in a small building next to the fire department. I get cold easily, so the inside might be better. Is your partner okay with your sudden business dinner? Doesn't he wait for you to prepare something to eat? I always try to spend more time talking with my husband and thinking less about work. Yet, today is special.


It takes five minutes on foot. It is on the first floor with an open terrace in a small building next to the fire department. I get cold easily, so an indoor table might be better. Is your partner okay with your sudden business dinner? Doesn't he wait for you to prepare something to eat? I always try to spend more time talking with my husband and thinking less about work. Yet, today is special.

1. This is a better way to say it, you want to get a table inside the restaurant.
It's closer than I thought. Sounds nice, too.
Well, actually, Steve is away on business. He'll be back this weekend. It's just me, myself, and I at my place so it's great to have friends to go out with.

Here is Ken. Oh, no! He is being a lady, wearing pantyhose. What? The first drink is complimentary for women.


Here is Ken. Oh, no! He is dressed as a lady, wearing pantyhose. What? The first drink is complimentary for women.

1. This is a better word choice since you are talking about his clothes.
  • go for a drink(飲みに行く)
  • get lost(道に迷う)
  • cut your work short(仕事を早く切り上げる)
  • you guys(君たち)
  • cool(素敵な、格好いい)
  • coincidence(偶然の一致 )
  • light tasting beers(軽い味のビール)
  • even better(さらに良い)
  • I've been so tired of work these days.(ここのところ、仕事で疲れています。)
  • What time do you get off work?(何時に仕事を上がれるのでしょうか?)
  • You already seem refreshed.(もうすでにリフレッシュしているみたいですね。)
  • I keep a list of delicious cocktails.(美味しいカクテルのリストを持ち歩いています。)
  • It would be great to go to a new place and try something different.(新しい場所へ行って、何か違ったものを試すのは素晴らしいことでしょう。)
  • I guess it will be more fun. (もっと楽しいことと思います)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • スモールトーク