
Talking about how you financed your university education at a job interview
How did you finance your university education?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How did you finance your university education?

My parents paid my school tuition fees. I worked part-time as a supermarket cashier and earned my pocket money. I went abroad on a trip once a year by using the money.


My parents paid my school tuition fees. I worked part-time as a supermarket cashier and earned my pocket money. I went abroad on a trip once a year by using the money.

1. An alternative phrase is 'took an annual trip abroad'.
That was very wise of you. How did you balance your part-time job and university work? Were you able to have time for hobbies?

Thank you. The two were compatible. By starting preparation for the exam as early as possible I continued my part-time job as usual. I didn't join any club in the university, but I continued to learn how play the piano, which I have loved. I took piano lessons once a week.


Thank you. The two were compatible. By starting preparation for the exam as early as possible, I continued my part-time job as usual. I didn't join any club at the university, but I continued to learn how to play the piano, which I have loved. I took piano lessons once a week.

1. Use a comma to set off introductory phrases or clauses: "After finishing my homework, I went for a walk."
2. "in" is used to describe activities or events that take place within the university, while "at" is used to describe the location of the activity or event.
3. The addition of "to" before the verb "play" is necessary because "how to play the piano" is an infinitive phrase, which requires the word "to" before the verb. An infinitive is a verb form that usually begins with the word "to" and acts as a noun, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. In this case, "to play" is the infinitive form of the verb "play," and "how to play the piano" is a complete infinitive phrase that acts as the direct object of the verb "learn."
Do you think extra curricular activities are helpful? Can you tell me the merits and demerits of taking part in such activities?

For me, playing the piano is one of the distractions. When I had a lot of worries, I was able to forget them by concentrating on playing the piano. That's one of the big benefits. I also made many friends of all ages. As for the disadvantages, when it comes to piano, I need to practice at home every day, and when I'm busy, I have less time.


For me, playing the piano is one of the distractions. When I had a lot of worries, I was able to forget them by concentrating on playing the piano. That's one of the big benefits. I also made many friends of all ages. As for the disadvantages, when it comes to the piano, I need to practice at home every day, and when I'm busy, I have less time.

1. The definite article (the) is used on something specific.
Thank you for your honest reply. What are some of the things you learned while working part-time? Was the experience helpful in preparing you for full time work?

I worked as a cashier at a local supermarket. My job was to deal with customers without being rude, and to properly manage products and money. I learned the basic rules in business such as a punctuality and a responsibility. I also learned how to control myself; I sometimes tried to behave as a staff not me on the contrary to my feelings.


I worked as a cashier at a local supermarket. My job was to deal with customers without being rude    and to properly manage products and money. I learned the basic rules of business such as    punctuality and    responsibility. I also learned how to control myself; I sometimes tried to behave like a staff member, not myself, which went against my true feelings.

1. You only add a comma:
- Use a comma to separate items in a list: "I need to buy eggs, milk, and bread."
- Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so) when joining two independent clauses: "I like to read books, but I also enjoy watching movies."
- Use a comma to set off introductory phrases or clauses: "After finishing my homework, I went for a walk."
- Use a comma to set off nonessential clauses or phrases: "The book, which was written in the 19th century, is considered a classic."
- Use a comma to separate adjectives that modify the same noun: "He wore a blue, striped shirt."
- Use a comma to set off direct quotations: "She said, 'I will be there at 6 pm.'"
2. When used together with a noun, "in" suggests a location or context within that noun, while "of" suggests possession or association with that noun.
3. Omit the article when the noun can’t be counted in units.
4. Omit the article when the noun can’t be counted in units.
5. "like" is used to compare nouns or pronouns, while "as" is used to compare actions or verbs.
6. Add 'member' so that the phrase can be complete.
7. The comma after "staff member" helps to separate the phrase from the rest of the sentence and make it clearer.
8. The natural English phrase is 'not myself'.
9. The phrase "which went against my true feelings" clarifies the meaning of the sentence and makes the speaker's intentions and emotions more explicit.
It's good to know that the experience was helpful. What are some of things you managed to achieve while working as a cashier?

It might be a small achievement, but I had some loyal customers. They came to the supermarket every evening and they said my smile made them feel happy. I'm proud of that.


It might be a small achievement, but I had some loyal customers. They came to the supermarket every evening and they said my smile made them feel happy. I'm proud of that.

1. An alternative way to phrase this would be, 'Although it may seem like a small achievement'.
2. An alternative way to phrase this would be, 'It gave me a sense of pride'.
  • loan(貸付金、ローン)
  • refinance(資金を補充する)
  • mortgage(貸付金、担保)
  • support(支援、援助、サポート)
  • dependent(扶養家族)
  • employment(雇用、〔給料をもらって働く〕職業)
  • subsidize(支援する、援助する)
  • breadwinner(稼ぎ手、大黒柱)
  • inheritance(相続財産、受け継ぎ)
  • livelihood(生計(手段)、暮らし)
  • Since I already had a family to support during that time, I took out a student loan.(すでに家庭を持っていたので、学生ローンを組みました。)
  • Throughout my time at the university, I worked part time at a pizza restaurant.(大学時代は、ピザ屋でアルバイトをしていました。)
  • I relied on my own money to support myself while attending the university.(大学に在籍している間、私への金銭的な支援は、自分の財産に頼りました。)
  • My tuition was taken care of by my parents, and I want to repay them as soon as I can.(私の学費は両親が払いましたので、できるだけ早く両親へ返済したいです。)
  • My parents refinanced their home mortgage in order to finance my university education.(私の両親は、私の大学費用をまかなうため、住宅ローンを借り換えました。)
  • I saved my money while working part time during my high school years and was able to finance most of my university education with those savings.(私が高校生の時にアルバイトでためたお金で大学費用のほとんどをまかなうことができました。)
  • I was the sole breadwinner for my family, so I was a part time university student and a full time employee at a bank.(私は一家の大黒柱でしたので、大学のアルバイトと銀行の正社員を掛け持ちしていました。)
  • I had 3 dependents while I was a university student, and it was quite difficult to balance my school, job, and family at the same time.(大学生の時、扶養家族が3人いて、私の学校と仕事と家族を同時にバランスを取るのがとても難しかったです。)
  • I earned enough money as a graduate assistant to support myself throughout graduate school.(自分の大学院の資金のため、大学院生助手として十分なお金を稼ぎました。)
  • I was fortunate enough to receive a full scholarship from the university.(とても幸運なことに、全額支給奨学金を大学から受けました。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 英語面接
  • 学生時代の経験