
Corporate Acquisitions.
企業の合併買収のことをM&A(Mergers and Acquisitions)と言いますが、合併、株式交換、事業譲渡等々、様々な手法が含まれますね。それぞれの英語での言い方を確認しておきましょう。
What is the typical method of corporate acquisitions?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What is the typical method of corporate acquisitions?

The most typical way of acquisition is purchasing shares and management right, but this way consists of various ways like take-over bid, Leveraged buy-out, and management buy-out.


The most typical way of acquisition is purchasing shares and management right, but this way consists of various ways like take-over bid, Leveraged buy-out, and management buy-out.

The original paragraph is fine, an alternative would be "Purchasing shared and management right is the most commonly used way..."
Among those typical methods, what is the most common that your company does? Which one is the best method?

The most common method is "tender offer". It is the way that an acquiring company declares acquiring period, the number of shares and its price in advance, thus purchase and gather shares of an acquired company from investors and its managers. In Japan, this method is often made use of for the purpose of M&A.


The most common method is "tender offer". It is the way that an acquiring company declares acquiring period, the number of shares, and its price in advance, thus purchase and gather shares of an acquired company from investors and its managers. In Japan, this method is often made use of for the purpose of M&A.

1. Please note, use commas when making lists.
Why is that method more preferred by the acquiring company? What are the advantages and disadvantages of that method?

In a leveraged buyout, an acquiring company finances acquiring money from financial institutions and investment funds by collateralizing future cash flow and assets of an acquired company. If the acquiring company does not have enough money to purchase the acquired company by their equity, it can purchase a highly-priced company. It is like small power carrying a big object, so this way is called "leveraged."


In a leveraged buyout, an acquiring company finances acquiring money from financial institutions and investment funds by collateralizing future cash flow and assets of an acquired company. If the acquiring company does not have enough money to purchase the acquired company by their equity, it can purchase a highly-priced company. It is like small power carrying a big object, so this way is called "leveraged."

The original paragraph is fine, an alternative would be "In case the acquiring company has insufficient funds..."
  • merger(合併)
  • stock(株式)
  • cooperation(提携)
  • business transfer(事業譲渡)
  • minor enterprise(中小企業)
  • They agreed to performing a third-party allocation of shares.(第三者割当増資を行うことで合意いたしました。)
  • The enterprise we possess will be spun-off and operated independently.(保有する事業を分離独立させます。)
  • In principle, the framework of the organization will not be changed.(原則として組織の体制に変化はない。)
  • We will hand over the company's management rights.(会社の経営権を譲り渡します。)
  • We will purchase the shares and management rights from the parent company.(親会社から株式及び経営権を買取ります。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 金融業界
  • コンサルティング