
I had played volleyball while attending the university, though I had never played volleyball before. I am tall for Japanese, so I was invited by my senior.
I had played volleyball while attending university, though I had never played volleyball before. I am tall for a Japanese, so I was invited by my senior.
I liked to play it with team members. I like every kind of team sports. As for volleyball, I could not take part in game, because I was a beginner player. However, I hardly practiced and encouraged my team members in the games.
I liked to play it with team members. I like every kind of team sports. As for volleyball, I could not take part in the games, because I was a beginner. However, I hardly practiced and encouraged my team members in the games.
I only felt stress during duration of the examinations, but it isn't so big. I treated it well.
I only felt stress during the duration of the examinations, but wasn't so big. I treated it well.
I used to go to karaoke to reduce the stress after the examinations. My team member also like karaoke very much.
I used to go to karaoke to reduce stress after the examinations. My team members also like karaoke very much.
If I enter this company, please go to karaoke with me.
If I join your company, please go to karaoke with me.
- council(協議、審議)
- fraternity(同業者仲間、男子学生の社交クラブ)
- governance(管理、支配)
- journalism(ジャーナリズム、新聞および雑誌)
- athletics(運動競技)
- thespian(俳優、役者)
- sorority(大学女子寮)
- mock(冷笑、まがい物)
- endeavor(努力)
- artistic(芸術的な)
- Most of my spare time was taken up by my involvement with the theater club.(私の余暇時間のほとんどは、演劇クラブに参加していました。)
- As a premed student, I volunteered as an assistant nurse at the local hospital.(医学部進学課程の学生として、現地の病院で看護婦助手としてボランティアをしました。)
- I participated in several cultural exchange programs and spent my summers in Europe, Australia, and the US.(いくつか異文化交流プログラムに参加して、夏にヨーロッパ、オーストラリア、そしてアメリカで過ごしました。)
- I had to limit my involvement with extracurricular activities since I was on an athletic scholarship.(スポーツ奨学金を受けていたので、課外活動への関与を制限しなければなりませんでした。)
- I was a volunteer teacher at the local high school and taught Japanese to several international students.(私は地元の高校でボランティア教師をしており、何人かの留学生に日本語を教えていました。)
- I had to forego all extracurricular activities because I also worked full time to finance my education.(私は学費を稼ぐためにフルタイムで働いていたので、課外活動をすべて断念しなければなりませんでした。)
- I was the captain of the soccer team, trumpet player in the school's jazz band, and vice president of the chess club.(私はサッカーチームのキャプテン、学内ジャズバンドのトランペット担当、そしてチェスクラブの副部長でした。)
- I participated in mock trials and interned at a major law firm in Tokyo.(模擬裁判に出席して東京の大きな法律事務所でインターンをしました。)
- I was a volunteer with the municipal office and did outreach work in the community.(地方自治体のオフィスでボランティアをしていて、そこのコミュニティで奉仕活動をしました。)
- As an active member of my church, I traveled to rural areas of Japan to do ministry.(私の教会の積極会員として、牧師の職務をしに日本の地方地域へ行きました。)