
Cutting Costs.
How should our company cut back on fixed costs?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How should our company cut back on fixed costs?

Recently, the price of raw materials for our products has risen sharply. We need to tackle this problem in order to keep our products' price by reviewing fixed costs. First, shall we start off with the personnel expenses. I would like to introduce a results-oriented approach for enhancing workers' motivation. I believe this can reduce fixed costs and that this can also improve the quality of the work force. We can kill two birds with one stone.


Recently, the price of raw materials for our products has risen sharply. We need to tackle this problem in order to keep our products' price by reviewing fixed costs. First, shall we start off with the personnel expenses? I would like to introduce a results-oriented approach for enhancing workers' motivation. I believe this can reduce fixed costs and that this can also improve the quality of the workforce. We can kill two birds with one stone. 

1) we just need the question mark here since this is an interrogative sentence
2) the conventional spelling is just one word
That sounds like an excellent idea. I would like to hear more of your proposal to reduce personnel expenses and at the same time motivate our employees.

Changing compensation is touchy for those who are affected, so it is important to handle the changes with compassion and firmness. One way to do this is to identify our key employees and get their commitment to our plans before the implement. Companies that reduce compensation or fire employees without considering other methods to increase productivity or reduce costs potentially fall into a downward spiral from which there is no recovery.


Changing compensation is touchy for those who are affected, so it is important to handle the changes with compassion and firmness. One way to do this is to identify our key employees and get their commitment to our plans before the implementation. Companies that reduce compensation or fire employees without considering other methods to increase productivity or reduce costs potentially fall into a downward spiral from which there is no recovery. 

Almost perfect! :)
1) just the noun form needed here; "(to) implement" is the verb, but we need the noun "implementation"
I agree with you, cost-cutting measures greatly decrease the employees' morale. So which employee benefits will be affected? Are we going to have a performance-based bonus scheme?

Conventional salary scheme offers fixed pay whatever happens to a company. For example, if the performance worsens due to a bad economy, the salary won't be reduced from the fixed amount, which means that employee can make sure their own income keeps going on until they retire at the age of around 60. We live in unstable social situations nowadays, so we are struggling to live a secure life without any anxiety.


Conventional salary scheme offers fixed pay whatever happens to a company. For example, if the performance worsens due to a bad economy, the salary won't be reduced from the fixed amount, which means that employees can make sure their own income keeps going on until they retire at the age of around 60. We live in unstable social situations nowadays, so we are struggling to live a secure life without any anxiety. 

Excellent, this was very natural, eloquent and correct.
1) we can just use the plural form here to imply any employee

Well done! Keep up the good work and enjoy your lessons :)
  • fixed cost(固定費)
  • cut back(削減する)
  • labor costs/personnel expenses(人件費)
  • producing area(生産地)
  • results-oriented approach(成果主義)
  • Please save labor costs personnel expenses as long (much) as you can.(人件費は極力抑えるようにしてください。)
  • Please recheck the system in order to avoid extra work.(余分な手間をかけないためにも、システムの再確認をお願いします。)
  • Please think about ways of improving the quality of the work force.(労働力の質を向上させる方法を考えてください。)
  • We would like you to introduce a results-oriented approach for enhancing worker motivation.(労働者のモチベーションを高めるために成果重視のアプローチをあなたから紹介してほしい。)
  • How about transferring production overseas?(海外に生産拠点を移してはどうでしょうか?)


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