Talking about your academic performance at school at a job interview
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How was your academic performance at the university?
My grades could have been better, but I also worked full time to support my family.
I worked full-time to support my family, so my grades were just okay. They could have been better.
You have a family? Do you have children?
No, I am an only child, and I send money to our patient.
No, I am an only child. I sent money to my parents.
Oh that is so nice of you. How does it feel to be the only child? Is it lonely?
I felt lonely during my childhood, buy I am OK after 23 old.
I felt lonely during my childhood, but I am okay with it now.
- dissertation((学位)論文)
- scholar(〔大学の〕奨学生)
- valedictorian(卒業生総代、卒業生代表)
- distinction(特徴、特質)
- gifted(優れた[天賦の]才能のある)
- cum laude(優秀な)
- thesis(論文)
- honor(光栄、名誉、恩恵)
- mentor(メンター、指導者)
- doctorate(博士号、学位)
- My grades were mediocre, but my passion for learning was fueled by my years at the university.(私の成績はあまりよくないですが、私の学ぶことへの情熱は大学時代ずっと高かったです。)
- In my senior year, I was asked to be a mentor to several freshmen who were struggling in their field of study.(4年次は、彼らの専門分野で困っている1年生何人かのメンターをするように頼まれました。)
- I was not a gifted student by any means, but I managed to graduate from a top university with hard work and diligence.(私は決して優れた学生ではありませんでしたが、猛勉強と勤勉さでトップの大学を卒業することができました。)
- My dissertation was widely recognized for its unorthodox approach to a problem that has frustrated mathematicians for centuries.(私の論文は、何百年も数学者を悩ませていた問題への型破りなアプローチとして広く認知されました。)
- I was honored to be the valedictorian of my graduating class.(卒業生の総代(卒業式の代表スピーチ者)を務めました。)
- I graduated in the top 5% of my graduating class and served as its vice president in the student council.(卒業生の上位5%内で卒業し、学生会議で副会長を務めました。)
- My doctoral thesis was used as a basis for further research at the university.(私の博士論文は大学のさらなる研究に使用されました。)
- I struggled at first, but with my family's support and encouragement, managed to graduate with high honors.(はじめは大変でしたが、家族の支えと励ましで、優秀な成績で卒業することができました。)
- I graduated magna cum laude in three years.(極めて優秀な成績で3年で卒業しました。)
- My grades could have been better, but I also worked full time to support my family.(私の成績をもっと上げることもできたのですが、家族を支えるためにフルタイムで働いていました。)