
Insurance Deductions.
Please tell me about the social insurance fee that is deducted from our salary.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please tell me about the social insurance fee that is deducted from our salary.

The employee's pension and health insurance are deducted from your monthly salary. Your premiums are calculated based on your salary. Your company will pay half of the premiums, and you will cover the other half. Your company's insurance organization decides your monthly premiums. If you quit companies and become self-employed, you need to apply for health insurance for the self-employed paid by yourself. You must pay 30% of your medical bills. The patient's fee has an upper limit of 63,600 yen per month for all health services.


The employee's pension and health insurance are deducted from your monthly salary. Your premiums are calculated based on your salary. Your company will pay half of the premiums, and you will cover the other half. Your company's insurance organization decides your monthly premiums. If you stop working for companies and become self-employed, you need to apply for health insurance for the self-employed paid by yourself. You must pay 30% of your medical bills. The patient's fee has an upper limit of 63,600 yen per month for all health services.

1. This is a much clearer way to say if you quit your job at a company...
Oh, I see. Thank you for that crystal-clear explanation. I can understand fully what that means. May I ask, how much is the maximum benefit limit of my health insurance?

The maximum benefit limit doesn't exist. Instead, the average limit on out-of-pocket payments does, depending on the ages and incomes of beneficiaries.


The maximum benefit limit doesn't exist, but the average limit on out-of-pocket payments does, depending on the ages and incomes of beneficiaries.

1. This is much better phrasing.
Got it, thanks for clarifying that. So, the out-of-pocket payments have an average limit. I assume that limit can vary for different individuals. Do you happen to know what the average limit is for someone in my age and income bracket?

The individual limit for high-cost medical for general income is calculated as follows: 80,100 yen+(medical expenses-267,000) multiplied by 1%. The limit for the fourth month onwards is 44,400 yen. General income refers here to taxable income of 2.10 to 6 million yen for those under 70.


The individual limit for high-cost medical care for general income is calculated as follows: 80,100 yen+(medical expenses-267,000) multiplied by 1%. The limit for the fourth month onwards is 44,400 yen. General income refers here to taxable income of 2.10 to 6 million yen for those under 70.

1. Just an additional expression.
  • social insurance(社会保険)
  • deduction(差し引き、控除)
  • tax withheld from the pay(源泉徴収税)
  • year-end tax adjustment(年末調整)
  • tax table(税額票)
  • Paying the insurance premiums for workers compensation is usually taken on by the employee’s respective companies.(労災保険料の支払いは、通常、従業員が所属する会社が負担します。)
  • The total amount of payments is the sum of wages before deducting income tax, social insurance fees, union dues, etc.(支払総額は、所得税、社会保険料、組合費などを差し引く前の賃金の合計です。)
  • Social insurance includes Health Insurance, Long-Term Insurance, and Welfare Pension Insurance.(社会保険には、「健康保険」「長期保険」「厚生年金保険」があります。)
  • Unlike overseas companies, Japanese companies file tax returns on behalf of their employees.(海外の企業とは異なり、日本の企業は従業員に代わって税金の申告を行います。)
  • I am notifying you because your monthly social insurance premium will change from next month.(あなたの社会保険料が来月から変わるので、お知らせします。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 金融業界
  • 経理・財務業務