
The Quarterly Statement.
How about the financial results for this quarter?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How about the financial results for this quarter?

Total revenue for this quarter increased by 10% from the 1st period last year and the net profit also increased by 7.5%, which recorded the highest performance ever. I assume that the main factor of this increase is the growth of the hotel business which we've put effort into this year. It is estimated the demand by foreign visitors would rise for a while, so this business should keep growing.


Total revenue for this quarter increased by 10% from the initial period last year, and the net profit also increased by 7.5%, which recorded the highest performance ever. I assume that the main factor that contributed to this increase is the growth of the hotel business which we've put effort into this year. It is estimated that the demand among foreign visitors would rise for a while, so this business should keep growing.

1. Avoid using numerals for ordinal numbers unless you are referring to dates. Use a different word choice. This would be a more usual term in this sense.
2. Use a comma in front of a conjunction to separate two separate clauses from one another.
3. Use a different word choice. This would be a more usual way of saying it.
4. Use "that" to introduce an explanation in regard to what is estimated.
5. Use a different word choice. This would be a more usual term in this sense.
Oh, okay, I understand what you are saying. The numbers are good but not great, any ideas on how we can increase them?

We have to increase the selling product.


We have to increase the sales of our top-selling product.

1. Use a different word choice. This would be a more usual way of saying it.
Okay, that is a good idea but we have to use a different selling method. Do you have any suggestions?

I would say we have to acquire the largest hotel chain company to make us a dominant in this industry.


I would say that we have to acquire the largest hotel chain company to make us    dominant in this industry.

1. Use "that" to introduce an explanation in regard to what you would say.
2. "A" is redundant here since it implies singularity and vagueness which makes it incompatible with the reference to the plural object pronoun "us" which clearly indicates you and someone else being acted upon.
  • figure(数字、(数字の)桁)
  • sales(売上高)
  • triple(3倍の)
  • record(記録、レコード)
  • performance (業績)
  • Total revenue for the first half of Fiscal Year 2015 grew 30%, setting a new record of 2 million yen.(2015年度上半期の総収入は3割増の200万円となり、過去最高を更新しました。)
  • Sales rose at a double-digit rate.(売り上げが二桁台の伸び率となりました。)
  • Sales declined from the previous year's levels.(売上高は、前年同期比で減少しました。)
  • We have seen a gradual recovery in sales growth.(売上高の伸びは徐々に回復しています。)
  • Revenues increased dramatically.(収益は劇的に増加しました。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 金融業界
  • 経理・財務業務