
Talking about what you enjoy doing most at a job interview
What do you enjoy doing most?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you enjoy doing most?

I enjoy reading many books which are validation and computerized system validation etc.
When I have free time, I read some books in my house.
If I board on the train to commute, I always read validation related book.
In addition, I enjoy browsing the Internet.
If I don't know regarding a validation's word, I should check the word by Internet.


I enjoy reading many books on validation and computerized system validation, etc. When I have free time, I read some books in my house. If I board the train to commute, I always read validation related books. In addition, I enjoy browsing the Internet. If I don't know the meaning of a validation's word, I check the word on the Internet.

You seem very interested in that topic. Why is that topic so interesting for you. Please tell me a little about that.

I am a validation engineer. The validation only use related pharmaceutical industry.
My dream is to help many patients all over the world.
Therefore I think that I conduct the validation in order to contribute to many patients.
And If I have a lot of knowledge of the validation, I have thought that I can save one of them.


I am a validation engineer. The validation's only use is related to the pharmaceutical industry. My dream is to help many patients all over the world. Therefore, I think that I should conduct the validation in order to contribute to many patients. If I have a lot of knowledge about validation, I have thought that I can save one of them.

That's good to hear. However, I am interested if you have any other hobbies. Do you get tired? You are so dedicated to your job!

My other hobbies is to watch baseball game or go abroad.
When I got tried, I go abroad such as Taiwan or Singapore.
I love Taiwanese and Singapore beer.
When I watch baseball game in a stadium, I will definitely cheer my favorite team by my loud. After cheering, I will not have my stress.


My other hobbies are watching baseball games or going abroad. When I get tried, I go abroad and visit places such as Taiwan or Singapore. I love Taiwanese and Singapore beer. When I watch a baseball game in a stadium, I will definitely cheer for my favorite team loudly. After cheering, I will no longer feel stressed.

That's great! I believe that everyone should have some time to relax. How long do you relax every day? Are you mostly busy?

I have not been busy recently.
I relax for one or two hours every day.
However when I am busy, I will not take relax time.
How about you?


I have not been busy recently. I relax for one or two hours every day. However, when I am busy, I will not spend any time to relax. How about you?

I am the same. I don't like to relax for too long. I prefer to keep myself busy. What about you? What do you prefer?

Yes, I agree with you.
I don't like to have relax time for a long time.
I prefer busy time to relax time.
If I have relax time for a long time in my company, I will change my company as soon as possible. The reason is to contribute to my company.
So If I do not have my work, I will have to contribute to it.


Yes, I agree with you. I don't like to relax for a long time. I prefer being busy to being relaxed. If I have too much idle time in my company, I will change my company as soon as possible. The reason is to contribute to my company. So if I do not have any work, I will have to contribute in other ways.

  • context(前後関係、背景)
  • radiate(中心から広がった)
  • situational(場面の、状況の)
  • induce(説得する、勧誘する)
  • enlighten(教え導く、教示する、啓蒙する)
  • enrichment(豊かに[改良・強化]すること)
  • awareness(目覚め、覚醒、認知)
  • dependent((名)扶養家族、(形)依存している)
  • outreach(奉仕[支援]活動)
  • encouragement(激励、励みになるもの)
  • What I enjoy doing really depends on who I'm with.(何をするのが楽しいかは、誰と一緒にいるかによって決まります。)
  • There are times when doing nothing gives me the greatest pleasure.(何もしない時間が私の至福の時間であることもあります。)
  • Making someone smile or laugh is very rewarding.(誰かを笑顔にしたり笑わせたりすることはとてもやりがいがあります。)
  • Reading a good book in the quiet of the night is something I always look forward to.(夜静かな場所で良い本を読むことは私のいつもの楽しみです。)
  • Running a couple of miles in the early morning hours is a great way to start the day.(早朝に数マイルランニングすることが一日の始まりとして良い方法です。)
  • One of my favorite times of the day is enjoying a hot cup of coffee while watching the sunrise.(一日の中で最も好きな時間は、朝日を見ながらホットコーヒーを飲むことです。)
  • There is no greater pleasure than spending quality time with my family.(家族と貴重な時間を過ごすことほど至福な時はありません。)
  • I try to find some enjoyment in everything I do.(何をする時も、楽しみを見つけるようにしています。)
  • Learning something new is always a pleasure.(私はいつも何か新しいことを習うことに喜びを感じます。)
  • I like to relieve stress by going fishing alone in an isolated area.(僻地で釣りをしてストレス発散したいです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 英語面接
  • 自己PR