
Talking about what you enjoy doing most at a job interview
What do you enjoy doing most?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you enjoy doing most?

I like working to support people. When I was assigned to the marketing department as an event coordinator, I was responsible for 3-4 events at the same time for conferences, new clients, and customers. I get pleasure when I work efficiently and on time within a limited time frame, and when my team members and clients show their appreciation.


I like working to support people. When I was assigned to the marketing department as an event coordinator, I was responsible for 3-4 events at the same time for conferences, new clients, and customers. I get pleasure when I work efficiently and on time within a limited time frame and when my team members and clients show their appreciation.

1. You can also say "enjoy working."
2. The comma unnecessarily breaks the sentence, so it should be removed.
That is a very useful attribute. How did you manage the events and overcome any difficulties you cam across? Are you offended when team members do not appreciate your effort?

I don't get angry when team members don't appreciate my work. I feel sorry about that, but I feel I did what I deserved because I was paid. I am a team player and I can build good relationships with my team members.


I don't get angry when team members don't appreciate my work. I feel sorry about that, but I feel I did what I deserved because I was paid. I am a team player, and I can build good relationships with my team members.

1. You can also say "my best."
2. Use a comma to separate phrases.
Being a team player is a good attribute we appreciate here. How generally do you build good relationships with members of your team?

I never fail to greet people with a cheerful smile. If I see someone in trouble, even if it is not in my job description, I call out to them and ask for help from the appropriate department. This makes it easier for me to get help when I am in trouble.


I never fail to greet people with a cheerful smile. If I see someone in trouble, even if it is not in my job description, I call out to them and ask for help from the appropriate department. This makes it easier for me to get help when I am in trouble.

1. You can also say "encounter difficulties."
  • context(前後関係、背景)
  • radiate(中心から広がった)
  • situational(場面の、状況の)
  • induce(説得する、勧誘する)
  • enlighten(教え導く、教示する、啓蒙する)
  • enrichment(豊かに[改良・強化]すること)
  • awareness(目覚め、覚醒、認知)
  • dependent((名)扶養家族、(形)依存している)
  • outreach(奉仕[支援]活動)
  • encouragement(激励、励みになるもの)
  • What I enjoy doing really depends on who I'm with.(何をするのが楽しいかは、誰と一緒にいるかによって決まります。)
  • There are times when doing nothing gives me the greatest pleasure.(何もしない時間が私の至福の時間であることもあります。)
  • Making someone smile or laugh is very rewarding.(誰かを笑顔にしたり笑わせたりすることはとてもやりがいがあります。)
  • Reading a good book in the quiet of the night is something I always look forward to.(夜静かな場所で良い本を読むことは私のいつもの楽しみです。)
  • Running a couple of miles in the early morning hours is a great way to start the day.(早朝に数マイルランニングすることが一日の始まりとして良い方法です。)
  • One of my favorite times of the day is enjoying a hot cup of coffee while watching the sunrise.(一日の中で最も好きな時間は、朝日を見ながらホットコーヒーを飲むことです。)
  • There is no greater pleasure than spending quality time with my family.(家族と貴重な時間を過ごすことほど至福な時はありません。)
  • I try to find some enjoyment in everything I do.(何をする時も、楽しみを見つけるようにしています。)
  • Learning something new is always a pleasure.(私はいつも何か新しいことを習うことに喜びを感じます。)
  • I like to relieve stress by going fishing alone in an isolated area.(僻地で釣りをしてストレス発散したいです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 英語面接
  • 自己PR