
Exchanging emails with your friend
外国人の友達とメールのやり取りをしましょう。以下の構成を参考にメールを書いてみましょう。 1. Subject line(件名) 2. Formal greeting(挨拶) 3. Body copy(本文) 4. Closing phrase(結び) 5. Signature(名前)
Please write an email to your friend. A teacher will reply to it.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please write a private email that needs to be corrected.

Hello Andi,
I'm a mom of Ken Tominaga, who will attend at Ms. Sarah's class from Aug 28th. I just would like to ask you how my son should call Ms. Sarah and other teachers? We're from Japan and nomally, Japanese people call their teacher's name like "teacher XXX". Therefore I would like to make sure which suffix my son should put before each teacher's firt name. Mrs. Sarah or Ms. Sara?


Hello Andi,
I'm the mom of Ken Tominaga, who will attend       Sarah's class from Aug 28th. I just would like to ask you how my son should address    Sarah and the other teachers? We're from Japan and nomally Japanese people say their teacher's name like "teacher XXX". Therefore I would like to make sure which prefix my son should put before each teacher's first name.    

1, 6. We use the definite article when there is only one of something or when we are referring to a particular thing.
2. ATTEND does not require AT.
3, 5, 10. We don't use titles before first names. SARAH is probably the teacher's FIRST NAME (e.g. Sarah Smith). We might use MR or MS etc. before someone's FAMILY NAME, e.g. MS SMITH, PROFESSOR JONES. It would be unusual for children to address teachers using their first names, although parents might (as you did in your email).
4. The verb ADDRESS explains this correctly.
7. No comma needed here.
8. SAY refers to general speech.
9. A suffix comes AFTER a name in some languages (e.g. Kono-kacho in Japanese).
10. Spelling mistake.
I believe that all the male teachers prefer to be called Mr. As for the female teachers, there is only one teacher that likes to be called Ms. Lisa. The rest prefer Mrs.
 I hope this is helpful.

Thank you, got it. This might be a trival thing, but I'd like to ask just in case to let my son(and I, as a mom) be polite to his teachers. Thanks.


Thank you, got it. This might be a trival thing, but I wanted to ask just in case so that my son (and I, as a mom) are polite to his teachers. Thanks.

1. Refers to the past.
2. Explains the reason.
3. Space before the parenthesis.
4. Refers to two people.
You are welcome. I am happy to help. Does your son like or play any sports or musical instruments? I think he should participate in extra mural activities.

He loves singing and dancing, so he has registered for Tumble bee dance lesson on Fridays. He had attended at KOK preschool last semester as a part time student, and at that time I had been really sorry for him. He learned a bunch of English songs from his class, but I couldn't sing with him, since I simply don't know such songs.


He loves singing and dancing, so he has registered for Tumble Bee dance lessons on Fridays. He had attended them at KOK preschool last semester as a part-time student, and at that time I felt really sorry for him. He learned a bunch of English songs from his class, but I couldn't sing with him, since I simply don't know such songs.

1. You need capital letters for the first letter of the important words in a title, official name etc.
2. General point.
3. You need to explain WHAT this refers to.
4. Hyphen to make a compound before the noun.
5. The past simple is needed here (AT THAT TIME), and this explains your FEELINGS.
  • update(近況)
  • memories(思い出)
  • request(依頼する)
  • stay in touch(連絡を取り合う)
  • friendship(友情)
  • reply(返信)
  • support(サポート、手助け)
  • recall(思い出させる)
  • cherish(大切にする)
  • How's it going?(最近どう?)
  • I hope you're doing well.(元気にしてるかな?)
  • I wanted to catch up with you. (最近のことについて話したいと思ってたんだ。)
  • It's been a while since we last spoke.(前回話したときからしばらく経っちゃったね。)
  • I just wanted to drop you a quick email. (ちょっとメールしてみようと思ったんだ。)
  • It's always a pleasure to hear from you. (いつもあなたから連絡が来るととても嬉しいよ!)
  • I'm here if you need anything. (何か必要なことがあれば頼ってね。)
  • Sending you positive vibes. (あなたに元気を送ります。)
  • Let's plan a video call sometime.(今度ビデオ通話しよう!)
  • Take care and talk to you soon! (体に気をつけて!またね!)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • Eメール添削
  • シーンリクエスト