I think success means to me that I become indispensable to my company and also make a living on my own. My dream is both work and life will be satisfying.
I think success means to me that I become indispensable to my company and also make a living on my own. My dream is to have satisfying work and life.
To be honest, I don’t consider me successful yet. I have a lot of hobbies such as playing the instruments so my life is enjoyable already. However, I only work for my salary. It means I don’t I am not interested in my work itself.
To be honest, I don’t consider myself successful yet. I have a lot of hobbies such as playing instruments so my life is enjoyable already. However, I only work for my salary. It means I am not interested in my work itself.
You’re right. Most people can’t stay longer if their work is boring for them. I’d like to have a long career at next company. Actually I’m not satisfied with amount of work at my current company, but I like the field. Then I am looking for a company which is in the same field and has more tasks.
You’re right. Most people can’t stay longer if their work is boring for them. I’d like to have a long career at the next company. Actually, I’m not satisfied with the amount of work at my current company, but I like the field. I will look for a company which is in the same field and has more tasks.
A small job makes people to feel a day is longer. I sometimes think about why I am here. While my company is private and small, they employ a number of people. In this environment, I can’t get any tasks whatever I request. Therefore, I prefer a bigger company.
A small job makes people feel a day is longer. I sometimes think about why I am here. While my company is private and small, they employ a number of people. In this environment, I can’t get any tasks whatever I request. Therefore, I prefer a bigger company.
I’m glad that we have a similar opinion. If you offer me as a employee, I really want to try a various challenge and then I would be fulfilled with both work and life finally.
I’m glad that we have a similar opinion. If you hire me, I really want to try various challenges and then I would be fulfilled with both work and life finally.
- contribution(貢献)
- legacy((名)相続財産、遺産、(形)使われていない、時代に合わなくなった)
- influence(影響、感化)
- achievements(成果、業績、功績)
- journey(旅行、遍歴)
- outcome(結果、結末、成果、所産)
- meaningful(有意義な、生きがいがある)
- wealth(富、財産)
- fulfillment(満足感、充足感)
- impact(影響(力)、反響、効果)
- If I can touch a person's life and make a positive difference, that's success to me.(もし私が人の人生に関わり良い変化をもたらすことができたら、それは私にとって成功というものです。)
- It's not wrong to use wealth as a measure of success, except when it's the only measure.(財産とはただ数えるという場合を除いて、成功の度合いだとすることは間違っています。)
- Doing our best doesn't always result in success, but we must do our best anyway.(自分のベストをつくすことは常に成功へつながるということではないが、それでも私たちはベストをつくさなければなりません。)
- I'd like to leave a legacy of excellence and honor.(私は、かつての美徳や栄光をぬぐい去りたいと思います。)
- Whenever I look at my wife and children, I consider myself a success!(私の妻と子供たちを見るといつも、私は成功者だと思います。)
- Success to me means to live a fulfilling life.(私にとっての成功とは、充実した人生を歩むことを意味します。)
- A truly successful person leads a balanced and principled life.(本当に成功した人は均衡と理にかなった人生を導きます。)
- Overnight success can only be achieved by a lifetime of hard work.(一夜の成功は一生勤勉に働くことによりのみ達成できることです。)
- I don't live my life thinking about success, but about doing my best.(人生で成功することを考えながら生きていませんが、自分のベストをつくすようにしています。)
- In defining success, we must consider not only outcomes, but effort.(成功するということは、私たちは結果だけでなく課程も考えなくてはなりません。)