
Feeling Bad
You don't look well. Are you ok?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
You don't look well. Are you ok?

Well, actually I have a terrible headache from last night.


Well, actually since last night, I have had the worst headache.

I am sorry to hear that. Have you taken any medicine for it? Make sure you have lots of water.

No, I haven't yet.
By any chance do you have some medicine?
I just ran out of it.


No, not yet, I ran out and haven't had the chance to go to the shops. Do you happen to have any on you?

Unfortunately I don't , but maybe you should see a doctor?

Okey, thank you anyway.
To tell the truth, it often happens to me. I'm sure of that it will be getting OK if I have patience until next morning.
But, then, I'm starting to feel dizzy. Maybe it's better to take a little rest at the time of next class.


Okey, thank you anyway. To tell the truth, it often happens to me. I'm sure that it will be OK if I have patience until tomorrow morning. But, now, I'm starting to feel dizzy. Maybe it's better to take a little rest at the time of the next class.

Well you must definitely see a doctor and check. I believe its nothing serious but still if you often have headaches it can be a symptom of a very serious disease!

Do you think so? OK, I'll do as you said.
I'm taking this afternoon off and going to see a doctor. Then, I'll go back home and lie down until I'll completely recover.


Do you think so? OK, I'll do as you said. I'm taking this afternoon off and going to see a doctor. Then, I'll go back home and lie down until I completely recover.

I know you don't like hospitals but it's better this way and you will know what the problem is. Do you happen to have any other symptoms?

Now that you say that, I feel sluggish and cold. Maybe I have to go right now. Then, the flu is going around, so you need to take care of yourself, too. Anyway thank you for everything.


Now that you say that, I feel sluggish and cold. Maybe I have to go right now. At the moment, the flu is going around, so you need to take care of yourself, too. Anyway thank you for everything.

  • feel sick(体調が悪い)
  • nurse's office(保健室)
  • dizzy(目眩いがする)
  • stomachache(腹痛)
  • fever(熱)
  • I think I have a fever.(熱がある気がする。)
  • I have a terrible headache.(酷い頭痛がする。)
  • I feel nauseous.(吐き気がする。)
  • Could you tell me where the nurse's office is?(保健室の場所を教えてくれますか?)
  • I didn't get enough sleep last night.(昨日十分に寝れなかった。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 留学
  • 放課後