
Talking about how you think your friends perceive you at a job interview
How do you think your friends would describe you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How do you think your friends would describe you?

They say, you are a bit egoistic person but, it is relative from your ambition. You know, ambitious person often looks egoistic. Like Donald Trump, Oops, he is just a stupid person.


They would say that I'm a bit egoistic person but, it is relative to my ambition. You know, ambitious a person often looks egoistic. Like Donald Trump, Oops, he is just a stupid person.

1. using "would" directly responds to the question and expresses "possibility". we need "that" to introduce the next clause
2. we often say "relative to" to express "corresponding", "in comparison with"
3. indefinite article needed for countable "person"
Hahaha. Well, why would they say that you are selfish? And why, in your opinion, are ambitious people selfish and egoistic?

Thank you for laughing. Some person don't accept joking. Anyway, ambitious person has strong will. It is often conflict practical thinking people because they can't follow his wide vision. So, they say, great person is lonely because such a person has to ignore many advise from them. Normal person think about such behavior is just selfish.


Thank you for laughing. Some people don't accept jokes. Anyway, an ambitious person has strong will. It is often in conflict with practical thinking people because they can't follow his wide vision. So, they say, great person is lonely because such a person has to ignore many advise from them. Normal person think about such behavior is just selfish.

1. we can use the plural form to refer to something in general
2. we can use the noun form here
3. we need to add the preposition to complete the phrase
I see your point. However, why do your friends perceive you like that? Are there any particular characteristics that influence their perception?

They don't perceive my ambitious so, they say you are egoistic. I am only protect my private time but, they often offer to go out, like BBQ, movie and golf and so on. It's so annoying for me. I often don't accept their offer, then I have to got label of unfriendly person moreover egoistic. I want to spend my time for skill up.


They don't perceive my ambitious so, they say you are egoistic. I am only protecting my private time but, they often offer to go out, like BBQ, movie and golf and so on. It's so annoying for me. I often don't accept their offer, then they give me this label of being an unfriendly person moreover egoistic. I want to spend my time for skill up.

1. we need the verb-ing here to refer to what you are doing (continuously)
2. after "they", we can use this phrase and form the active voice
3. to describe the tag or the quality/characteristic of the person, we need this phrase
I know what you mean. That actually makes perfect sense. It's always better to invest in oneself, right?

Thank for your understanding. I really want to blush up my character for my aim. Needless to say, I love to company with my friends but, our life time is limited. We have to choice what to do every time. Our life of full of desire therefore, it is important strong mentality.


Thank for your understanding. I really want to brush up my character for my aim. Needless to say, I love to be with my friends but, our life time is limited. We have to choose what to do every time. Our life is full of desires therefore, it is important to have a strong mentality.

1. typo/spelling corrected
2. we can use this phrase or "spend time with" or maybe "I love to be in the company of my friends"
3. we need the verb form here ("choice" is a noun)
4. we need this verb here to describe "our life"
5. we need this phrase to express "possess" the strong mentality
I completely agree with you on this. There is actually no time to waste and we need to stay focused.

Thank you so much. Then, do I pass this interview? If yes, now, shall we move on about my salary? "Fast is best" is my motto. Moreover, can I start working right now? I don't have any schedule so, I would like to do that.


Thank you so much. Then, do I pass this interview? If yes, now, shall we move on to my salary? "Fast is best" is my motto. Moreover, can I start working right now? I don't have any schedule so, I would like to do that.

1. we say "move on to something"
  • tendency(性質、傾向)
  • speculation(推論、臆測)
  • epitome(概略、大要)
  • inclined(~の傾向がある)
  • pressured(圧力・プレッシャーをかけられた)
  • supposition(仮定、想定、推測)
  • perception(知覚、認知)
  • surmise((名)臆測、(動)推量する、臆測する)
  • biased(先入観にとらわれた)
  • exaggerate(誇張する、大げさに言う)
  • I think that they would say I was a decent human being.(彼らは私はまともな人間だというと思います。)
  • I hope that most of them would describe me as being the perfect candidate for this job.(彼らのほとんどの人が、私をこの仕事の完璧な出願者だと言い表すと願います。)
  • This is pure speculation, but I think they would all refuse to answer. (これは完全な臆測ですが、彼らはみな答えを拒むでしょう。)
  • My best friends would say that many of my faults develop into my strengths.(私の多くの失敗は、とてもよい強みにつながっていると私の親友は言うでしょう。)
  • They would say that I'm humble to a fault.(私は謙虚すぎると彼らは言うでしょう。)
  • Since they are, after all, my friends, they would probably describe me as being very friendly and likable.(彼らは所詮私の友達なので、私をとてもフレンドリーで感じのいい人だと表現するでしょう。)
  • They would say that I'm a workaholic who doesn't know the meaning of the word "stop".(彼らは私を「止まる(ストップ)」という言葉を知らない仕事中毒の人だと言うでしょう。)
  • They would definitely say that I am an upfront kind of guy who speaks his mind.(彼らは絶対に私のことを、自分の気持ちを正直に言う人だと言うでしょう。)
  • They would describe me as being a master problem solver.(彼らは私を問題解決の達人と表現するでしょう。)
  • Of course, they would all be biased and would say only positive things about me.(もちろん、彼らはすべて先入観を持ち私のことについてはすべて前向きなことしか言わないでしょう。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 英語面接
  • 自己PR