
Tell a complaint about your roommate
Are you getting along with your roommate?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Are you getting along with your roommate?

Yeah, my roommate is a nice guy and I enjoy my school days with him. Although almost all things are good, there are one problem among our lives. He is sometimes awake so late at night. I can't get asleep then and I asked him not to get awake in midnight. He hasn't stopped his habit yet.


Yeah, my roommate is a nice guy and I enjoy my school days with him. Although almost all things are good, there is one problem in our lives. He is sometimes awake so late at night. I can't get asleep then and I asked him not to get awake at midnight. He hasn't stopped his habit yet.

1. Use a singular be-verb to refer to one problem
2. This is the most suitable preposition to use in this context to express where the problem is
3. This is the most suitable preposition to use in this context to refer to 'midnight'
It is very hard to change other people's habits. How long have you two been living together? What is his excuse for staying up late at night?

We have been living tougher since last spring, so almost one year has passed with him. Whenever I asked him to go to bed earlier, he always says that he has to finish his homework until the next morning. On the other hand, he listens to his favorite music without studying. The noise disturbs my sound sleep.


We have been living together since last spring, so almost one year has passed with him. Whenever I asked him to go to bed earlier, he always says that he has to finish his homework until the next morning. On the other hand, he listens to his favorite music without studying. The noise disturbs my sound sleep.

1. This is the correct spelling for this context
Seems like you have been putting up with it for quite some time. When does he wake up in the morning? I assume he is not an early riser.

Although he always gets awake late at night, he doesn't sleep for a long time in the morning. He usually gets up as the same time as I. I wonder he feels sleepy daytime and have asked him once. He said to me that it's enough for him to sleep at least five or six hours a day.


Although he always gets awake late at night, he doesn't sleep for a long time in the morning. He usually gets up at the same time as I. I wonder if he feels sleepy during the daytime and have asked him once. He said to me that it's enough for him to sleep at least five or six hours a day.

1. This preposition is more suitable for referring to 'time'
2. Add the conjunction to naturally introduce a conjunction
3. Add the preposition to introduce the timeframe
4. Add a definite article as a determiner for a particularized noun
He seems like a real iron man. Do you have to stay roommates with him or can you choose to live with someone else?

I don't know that I can change a room. If I live with him in the same room more, then my health will be damaged and my study in the college may be behind the schedule. Perhaps it's time for me to change the circumstance. Can I change the room to another?


I don't know if I can change the room. If I live with him in the same room more, then my health will be damaged and my study in the college may be behind the schedule. Perhaps it's time for me to change the circumstance. Can I change the room to another?

1. You can alternatively use this conjunction to express a supposition
2. A definite article seems more natural as a determiner for this specified noun
Yes, you can request a new room for the next semester. After all, you have to worry about your studies. So, do you want to move to another room?

Yes, I do. I might as well stop living with him for my study. In order to move to another room, how can I apply for my request? If possible, I want to change the room as soon as possible. Also, do I have to pay some deposits or so? Please tell me precise conditions to move a room.


Yes, I do. I might as well stop living with him for my study. In order to move to another room, how can I apply for my request? If possible, I want to change the room as soon as possible. Also, do I have to pay some deposits or so? Please tell me the precise conditions to move a room.

1. Add a definite article as a determiner for a specified noun
  • satisfy(満足させる)
  • get along(仲良くやっていく)
  • dissatisfaction(不満)
  • roommate(ルームメイト)
  • noisy(うるさい)
  • He is very noisy with his guitar at night.(彼が夜中演奏するギターがとてもうるさいです。)
  • I have a complaint against my roommate.(私はルームメイトに対して不満があります。)
  • Are you getting along with your roommate?(ルームメイトとは仲良くやっていますか?)
  • He is driving me crazy.(彼は私をイライラさせます。)
  • Can you stop it?(やめてくれますか?)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 留学
  • 放課後