
Asking for Homework Help
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Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
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Is it possible for you to help me to do my homework? It is actually very difficult to understand the essay with my English capabilities. I would like to confirm with you whether my understanding is correct or not. The due date of my homework is Friday next week. When are you available?


Is it possible for you to help me to do my homework? It is actually very difficult to understand the essay with my English capabilities. I would like to confirm with you whether my understanding is correct or not. The due date of my homework is Friday next week. When are you available?

1. Your sentence was correct. You can also simply say "help me do my homework." Both "help someone to do" and "help someone to do" are correct structures.
Sure. Let's do the task together, shall we? How does tomorrow at 3 PM sound? Are you free on that day?

Thank you very much for your kindness! Your assistance would be highly appreciated. Since you are available, could you please let me book your time tomorrow afternoon? I will be available after 3PM. Until what time will you be available tomorrow afternoon?


Oh, that's very kind of you. I'm so relieved to hear that. Since you are available, could you please let me book your time tomorrow afternoon? I will be available after 3 pm. Until what time will you be available tomorrow afternoon?

1. Your sentences were grammatically correct. I changed them because they were not really appropriate for an everyday conversation like this. In everyday English, when you are thanking people for helping you, the normal phrase to use is "Thanks for (all) your help." The phrase "Thank you for your kindness" sounds very polite and slightly old-fashioned. Also, "Your assistance would be highly appreciated" is an extremely formal expression usually used in formal texts in order to ask for assistance. We don't usually say it after someone has agreed to help.
2. There must be a space between "3" and "pm."
I will be with you until we finish the task. Will four hours be enough for you to get the task done?

Thank you very much for your kindness, but I don't think one and a half hours is enough time for me to complete the homework. Could you please spare some time to help me day after tomorrow as well? I will be available after 1PM. As a token of my gratitude, I am willing to help with your homework for Japanese language.


Thank you very much for your kindness, but I    think one and a half hours is enough time for me to complete the homework. Could you please spare some time to help me the day after tomorrow as well? I will be available after 1 pm. As a token of my gratitude, I am willing to help with your homework for the Japanese language class.

1. I can tell from the context that you mean "I think," not "I don't think."
2. The correct expression is always "The day after tomorrow." That's a fixed phrase.
3. Leave a space between "3" and "pm."
4. "Language" is a countable noun, so when it's used in the singular form, it must be preceded by an article (a, an, the). You can either say "homework on Japanese" or "Homework on the Japanese language" or "Homework for the Japanese language class."
  • assignment(〔人に与えられた〕任務、業務)
  • help(手伝う)
  • busy(忙しい)
  • difficult(難しい)
  • understand(理解する)
  • Sure, which one?(いいですよ、どれですか?)
  • Which assignment?(どの課題ですか?)
  • Can you help me with the assignment?(あの課題を手伝ってくれますか?)
  • Did we have an assignment?(課題ありました?)
  • Sorry, I am busy right now.(ごめんなさい、今忙しいです。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 留学
  • 放課後