
Why do you want to study abroad?
Why do you want to study abroad?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Why do you want to study abroad?

First,my curiousity lie on the gender.
Japan's system is later than overseas.
I have a question why always people think women are weak?
If we don't think like that,our conscious is not so changed.
However,the world is getting changed and many people are focusing on women's right.
For example, women's state is getting equal to men.That's why the gap generate.
For this reason,I want to study good system for women in other countries.
Second,my ideal future is to become a people who can make better world.
Such job needs to be able to other languages to communicate with various people.


First, my curiosity lies in    gender.
Japan's system is later than overseas.
I have a question: why do people often think women are weak?
If we don't think like that, our conscience is not   changed.
However, the world is changing and many people are focusing on women's rights.
For example, women's status is getting equal to men's. That's why the gap exists.
For this reason, I want to study effective systems for women in other countries.
Second, my ideal future is to become someone who can make a better world.
Such a job requires the ability to communicate in multiple languages with various people.

1. This is the correct spelling.
2. "Lies" is the third-person singular form of the verb, which agrees with the singular noun "curiosity."
3. The preposition "in" is used to indicate the location or focus of your curiosity.
4,8. Removed to eliminate redundancy.
5. The use of "do" after "why" helps to form a grammatically correct question.
6. Improved clarity and structure by rephrasing the original statement.
7. "Conscious" refers to awareness or being awake, while "conscience" refers to the inner sense of what is right or wrong.
9. This is a simpler and smoother expression.
10. When discussing the broader concept of the rights of women, it is more accurate to use the plural form.
11. "Status" is a better term to describe the overall position or condition of women in comparison to men.
12. "Exists" is a more appropriate term to convey the ongoing presence of a gap, while "generate" is more commonly used when describing the creation or production of something.
13. The word "good" was replaced with "effective" for a more specific and meaningful description of the systems.
14. "A people" was changed to "someone" for a more singular and individual focus.
15,16. Use the indefinite article before unspecified singular nouns.
17. The correction involves rephrasing the sentence for better clarity and grammar.
It's great that you're interested in understanding and improving gender perspectives. Which specific countries or regions are you considering studying to explore effective systems for women's rights, and are there particular languages you're planning to learn for better communication in your future role?

I want to study abroad in Mexico where l have stayed for three years.
Almost all people may think that Japan is more improved. Yes,l think so too. However, in terms of gender,Mexico is rapidly improving due to spreading the system named Quota System.
Japan also has been introduced this method,but not so improved the circumstances.When l go to Mexico and take some lessons, teacher will definitely talk in spanish,so l need to learn addition to English.
Were l speak spanish as well as native speaker,my life will be more greatfull.


I want to study abroad in Mexico where l have stayed for three years.
Almost all people may think that Japan is more improved. Yes, l think so too. However, in terms of gender, Mexico is rapidly improving due to the spreading of the system named Quota System.
Japan also    introduced this method, but the circumstances have not improved. When l go to Mexico and take some lessons, the teacher will definitely talk in Spanish, so l need to learn it in addition to English.
If I could speak Spanish as well as a native speaker, my life would be more fulfilling.

1,4. Use "the" to be specific.
2. Removed to eliminate redundancy.
3. Restructured the sentence for clarity and completeness.
5. Always capitalize proper nouns.
6. Added for clarity and readability.
7. Adjusted the word order and added "If" at the beginning to form a grammatically correct conditional statement.
8. Use the indefinite article before unspecified singular nouns.
9. Changed "will be" to "would be" to convey a hypothetical or unreal condition.
10. "more greatfull" was corrected to "more fulfilling" for a more appropriate term to describe an enriched or satisfying life.
Oh, I see. Thank you for that information. Can you kindly elaborate more on that Quota system? What challenges do you think you might encounter that aside from the language barrier?

Quota system is a method of setting a limit on how much of something a country or company is allowed to have, produce, import, etc.:
I think that l will encounter the difficulty of vocaburary.l need to memorize many words.


A quota system is a method of setting a limit on how much of something a country or company is allowed to have, produce, import, etc.:
I think that l will encounter the difficulty of vocabulary.l need to memorize many words.

1. Add an article before the noun for grammatical correctness.
2. This is the correct spelling.
I got it. Thank you for that information. How do you think you can improve your memorization skills? What vocabulary words are you interested in learning?

My memorization skill will be better if I could read words book many times.
My curiousity is on learning English and Spanish.


My memorization skills would be better if I could read word books many times.
My curiosity is in learning English and Spanish.

1. "will be better" to "would improve" to convey a hypothetical or unreal condition.
2. This is the correct spelling.
3. The preposition "in" is used to indicate the location or focus of your curiosity.
That sounds like a good strategy! It’s much easier to learn vocabulary from a book than from memorizing words in the dictionary. What book have you found interesting and useful so far?

Thank you:) Actually, I always learn from wordbook or textbook.Also,there are a few softcovers which were written by English.So,I want to have something interesting story about love.


Thank you:) Actually, I always learn from a wordbook or textbook. Also, there are a few softcovers that were written in English. So, I want to have an interesting story about love.

1. Add an article before the noun for grammatical correctness.
2. Replaced "which" with "that" for a more appropriate relative pronoun in this context.
3. Specified "in English" to indicate the language in which the softcovers were written.
4. Added the indefinite article "an" before "interesting story" for proper grammar.
  • why(なぜ)
  • study abroad(留学する)
  • English(英語)
  • culture(文化)
  • foreign country(外国)
  • I want to learn English.(英語を学びたいです。)
  • I am staying at my host family's house.(ホストファミリーのところに滞在します。)
  • Why did you choose to study abroad?(なぜ留学しようと決めたのですか?)
  • I want to be in touch with foreign cultures.(私は外国文化に触れてみたいです。)
  • I want to become independent.(自立したいです。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 留学
  • 自己紹介