I can hardly sum up his characteristics in a few words.
He often shows two contradictory sides of his personality. While he adheres to be polite with employees facing whatever difficulties, he sometimes easily loses his temper and scolds them. Most employees working with him tend to shrink in front of him.
I can hardly sum up his characteristics in a few words.
He often shows two contradictory sides of his personality. While he adheres to being polite with employees facing whatever difficulties, he sometimes easily loses his temper and scolds them. Most employees working with him tend to shrink in front of him.
My boss is the person of our company president.
I always pay attention not to make him angry in the conversation with him.
Basically, he is a polite and modest businessperson when he can control his emotions.
In my understanding, most executives have a special character that can cope with pressure from stakeholders. We should not see them to be equal to general employees.
My boss is our company president.
I always pay attention not to make him angry in a conversation with him.
Basically, he is a polite and modest businessperson when he can control his emotions.
In my understanding, most executives have a special character that can cope with pressure from stakeholders. We should not see them to be equal to general employees.
We see he is a perfectionist, so it seems whenever problems offending his concerns occur, he gets angry, but the criteria he has is not shared with us. We have to study it in working with him.
He likes diligent and hard-working employees, so we are required to be under his management.
We see he is a perfectionist, so it seems whenever problems offending his concerns occur, he gets angry, but the criteria he has is not shared with us. We have to study it in working with him.
He likes diligent and hard-working employees, so we are required to be so under his management.
- reverence(敬意)
- mindful(気を配る、意識している)
- hierarchy(階層[ピラミッド]型組織、階層[階級]制)
- devout(誠実な、熱心な)
- militaristic(軍国主義の)
- mindset(考え方、物の見方)
- esteem(尊重、高い評価)
- compliance(順守、コンプライアンス、従おうとすること)
- stature(名声、地位、偉大さ)
- unquestioning(絶対的な、無条件の)
- Many Japanese companies have an almost militaristic hierarchical structure.(日本の企業の多くが、軍隊のような階級構造を持っています。)
- Unquestioning compliance may be on its way out in some companies.(疑うことのないコンプライアンスは、いくつかの企業では終わりつつあるかもしれません。)
- When foreigners openly criticize their company president, we think it's rude.(外国人が、彼らの社長を大っぴらに批判すると、私たちはそれを無礼だと思います。)
- It is generally assumed that the employee will have unquestioning loyalty to his company president.(一般的に、従業員が無条件で会社の社長に忠実であると思われている。)
- There is a definite and strict pecking order in most Japanese businesses.(日本の企業ではたいてい明確で厳粛な(年功)序列があります。)
- When we ride in a taxi, the company president always sits behind the driver.(タクシーに乗る時は、会社の社長は常に後部席に座ります。)
- The Japanese business chain of command has its roots in the days of the samurai.(日本のビジネス指揮系統は、侍時代にその根源があります。)
- We place our complete trust in our company president.(自分たちの会社の社長に完全な信頼を置いています。)
- We always try to be mindful of the respect that our company president deserves.(私たちは、常に自分の会社の社長に敬意を示すことを心に留めています。)
- The position of company president is traditionally held in high esteem in Japan.(日本では伝統的に社長の地位は高く評価されています。)