
Describe a picture of sashimi
Please describe this picture.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please describe this picture.

This is a picture of Sashimi. There are salmon, tuna, shrimp and devil fish. There are also some garnishes, for example radish, Shiso, see weed and knotweed. The left side of knotweed is wasabi.


This is a picture of Sashimi. It includes salmon, tuna, shrimp, and devilfish. There are also some garnishes, for example, radish, Shiso, seaweed, and knotweed. On the left side of the knotweed is wasabi.

1. Revised for a natural sound and clarity.
2,3. This is the correct spelling.
4. Added the preposition for grammatical correctness.
5. Use "the" to be specific.
It is a very colorful plate of seafood, isn't it? When do you usually have this type of dish? Can you prepare it?

I usually have this type of dish when I stay in Japanese style hotels and have dinner at there. I just can buy it at supermarket. I can't make it by myself. I can't butcher fishes.


I usually have this type of dish when I stay in Japanese-style hotels and have dinner     there. I just can buy it at the supermarket. I can't make it by myself. I can't butcher fish.

1. This is the correct spelling.
2. Removed to eliminate redundancy.
3. Use "the" to be specific.
Judging from the presentation and ingredients, would this be considered a premium plate of sashimi?

Yes, I can say so. But I found some Japanese pubs also serve like this plate. It's not so premium. There are rank of sashimi.


Yes, I can say so. But I found some Japanese pubs also serve like this plate. It's not so premium. There are ranks of sashimi.

Alternatively; "Yes, that's a possibility. However, I've noticed that some Japanese pubs also offer similar plates. They might not be as high-end. It seems there are varying grades or ranks of sashimi."
It looks delicious! Do you have a favorite type of sashimi, or are you open to trying different varieties?

I like tuna the best. But I also open to different varieties.


I like tuna the best. But I am also open to trying different varieties.

1. Changed "open" to "am open" for grammatical correctness.
2. Added "trying" to make the sentence clearer and more complete.
Tuna is indeed a popular choice! The vibrant colors in the picture suggest a variety of flavors. Have you ever experimented with making your own sashimi at home, or do you prefer enjoying it at restaurants?

I have experienced with making salmon sashimi. But I think it is better to eat sashimi at restaurant. It is difficult to make. Row fishes are easy to smell.


I have experience with making salmon sashimi. But I think it is better to eat sashimi at a restaurant. It is difficult to make. Raw fish can have a strong odor.

1. Changed "experienced" to "experience" for grammatical correctness.
2. Added an article "a" before "restaurant" for proper syntax.
3. Corrected "Row fishes" to "Raw fish" for proper English usage.
4. Clarify the sentence to convey that the difficulty lies in preparing raw fish, and it can have a strong odor.
  • fresh(新鮮な、生き生きとした)
  • represent(代表する)
  • decorate(飾る)
  • port(港)
  • Sashimi is one of the most famous Japanese food. (刺身はもっとも有名な日本食の一つである。)
  • It is often served on a beautifully decorated ship. (美しく装飾された船の上で提供されることが多いです。)
  • You can enjoy fresh sashimi near the port.(港の近くでは新鮮なお刺身が食べられます。)
  • It takes a high level of skill to prepare fish.(魚をさばくには高い技術が必要です。)
  • The number of new customers increased after the shop put up a tuna fillet display in the front window.(店頭にマグロの切り身を並べたところ、新規のお客さまが増えました。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • シーンリクエスト
  • 写真描写問題
  • 接客業/飲食店