Many traditional Japanese companies provide employees with a housing allowance.
The companies offer to rent houses that are more reasonable than usual. The reason for the benefits is to build a win-win situation between the company and employees. Many young employees don't have their own houses, so most of them need to rent apartments. When companies offer company-owned apartments with affordable rent, employees are happy to save money. As for the company's side, they want young employees to work as long as possible. Once they're in the apartment, they tend to stay longer. The company is happy to retain them.
Many traditional Japanese companies provide employees with a housing allowance.
The companies offer to rent houses that are more reasonable than usual. The reason for the benefit is to build a win-win situation between the company and employees. Many young employees don't have their own houses, so most of them need to rent apartments. When companies offer company-owned apartments with affordable rent, employees are happy to save money. As for the company's side, they want young employees to work for them for as long as possible. Once they're in the apartments, they tend to stay longer. The company is happy to retain them.
The Japanese labor law defines the maternity leave period as a maximum of 2 years. Some companies provide an extension of the period as their benefit.
Our company gives external benefit service packages, in which members can utilize their list of accommodations and hotels and gyms nationwide, to employees.
The Japanese labor law defines the maternity leave period as a maximum of 2 years. Some companies provide an extension of the period as their benefit.
Our company gives external benefit service packages, in which members can utilize their accommodation, hotels, and gyms nationwide, to employees.
- unemployment(失業手当、失業者数)
- remuneration(報酬、給料、俸給)
- pension(年金、恩給)
- supplementary((名)補充となる人、補充[補足・追加]されたもの、(形)付け加える、追加の)
- recession(景気後退)
- mainstay(頼みの綱、主要な支持(者))
- severance(切断、断絶、分離、隔離)
- cutback(削減)
- perks(特典)
- statutory(法定の、法令の、制定法に従う)
- Japan's universal healthcare system is, in my opinion, second to none.(日本の国民皆保険制度は、私が思うに完璧だと思います。)
- Most employees still receive their annual bonuses in spite of the recession.(不景気にも関わらず、ほとんどの従業員は未だに毎年賞与を受け取っています。)
- Some companies are adjusting their employees' remuneration packages as the effects of the recession hit home.(従業員の給与体系を不景気の影響を受けて変動させる会社もあります。)
- Typically, contract workers don't enjoy the same level of benefits as permanent staff.(一般的に、契約社員は正社員ほど同等の福利厚生を受けることができません。)
- The mainstays of the Japanese business world are determined to minimize cutbacks in employee benefits.(日本のビジネス界の主力は、従業員の福利厚生の削減を最小限に抑えるという決意をしている。)
- I am confident that the statutory requirements of the labor laws will protect me.(労働条件の規定から守られているという自信があります。)
- Japan has many labor laws which protect the employee.(日本には、従業員を守る多くの労働法があります。)
- My company is taking steps to prevent the freezing of employee salaries and bonuses.(弊社は、従業員の給料と賞与を止めるのを防ぐために、対策を講じています。)
- In the midst of this recession, some industries are hurt more than others.(この景気後退中、いくつかの産業が他よりも打撃を受けています。)
- The core perks of most businesses are pensions and healthcare.(ほとんどの企業における主な恩恵は年金と健康管理です。)
2. This is to be specific.