
Describe a picture of Sukiyaki.
Please describe this picture.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please describe this picture.

There is a hot pot which is named Sukiyaki. This is a one of representative traditional Japanese dishes. It's said that the origin of the name is the word suki which means spade, and yaki which is the verb to grill. We cook it with thin slices of beef and various vegetables in a table-top cast-iron pan.


There is a hot pot _ named sukiyaki. This is _ one of the representative traditional Japanese dishes. It's said that the origin of the name is the word suki, which means spade, and yaki, which is the verb to grill. We cook it with thin slices of beef and various vegetables in a table-top cast-iron pan.

1. This relative pronoun sounds redundant here as you are offering unnecessary further clarification.
2. No need for an article before "one of".
3. Add this article here as you are referring to a specific set of dishes.
4, 5. Add a comma here as you are offering further clarification about something.
The food looks really good. Is everything cooked at once? I am also curious to know if the beef and vegetables are served with something else.

I guess every hot pot supposes to be cooked at once. I mean to prepare broth and boil it then simmers them. Yes, as you mentioned, we eat this with a bowl of rice or udon noodles or raw eggs.


I guess every hot pot is supposed to be cooked at once. I mean, we have to prepare broth and boil it then simmer them. Yes, as you mentioned, we eat this with a bowl of rice or udon noodles or raw eggs.

1. Use the passive voice when highlighting the action of the sentence, not the subject of it.
2. The sentence was incomplete as it didn’t have a subject.
3. Use this verb + preposition to indicate obligation.
4. Use infinitives when adding a verb after "to".
Alright, that sounds delicicious. What are the ingredients used in this dish? Are those carrots and mushrooms?

I can see some flower-shaped carrots, enoki mashrooms, mushroom caps, tofu, garland chrysanthemums, chinese cabbages, maloney noodles, and two sliced of beef.


I can see some flower-shaped carrots, enoki mushrooms, mushroom caps, tofu, garland chrysanthemums, Chinese cabbage, maloney noodles, and two slices of beef.

1. Spelling.
2. Uncountable nouns shouldn't be pluralized.
  • simmer((名)ぐつぐつ[ことこと]煮る[煮える]こと (動)ぐつぐつ[ことこと]煮える、煮る)
  • ingredient(材料)
  • marbled beef(霜降り肉)
  • lean beef(牛の赤身肉)
  • thinly(薄く)
  • Most Japanese use fresh eggs as a dipping sauce before they eat.(多くの日本人は食べるときに生卵をつけます。)
  • Sukiyaki is one of the typical hot pot dishes in Japan.(すき焼きとは日本を代表する鍋料理の一種です。)
  • People eat different foods for different purposes. For example, tempura and sukiyaki are eaten on special occasions, while dishes like ramen and takoyaki are eaten regularly.(天ぷら、すき焼きなどは特別な時に食べ、ラーメンやたこ焼きなどは日常的に食べるなど、人は食べる物を目的に応じて変えています。)
  • In most cases, beef for sukiyaki is sliced thicker than that for shabu-shabu.(すき焼きの肉はしゃぶしゃぶのそれより厚い。)
  • Ito konnyaku' or 'shirataki' is used in sukiyaki.(「糸こんにゃく」や「しらたき」はすき焼きなどに使用される。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • シーンリクエスト
  • 写真描写問題
  • 接客業/飲食店