
Talking about the importance of being on time
Why are Japanese companies so strict about time?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Why are Japanese companies so strict about time?

Punctuality is a kind of virtue for us not only in business situations. It is perhaps because we don't want to bother others or be blamed for being late. If we show up late to appointments, we waste the time of the people we would be meeting.


Punctuality is a kind of virtue for us not only in business situations. It is perhaps because we don't want to bother others or be blamed for being late. If we show up late to appointments, we waste other people's time.

1. This is a simpler way to phrase this.
I couldn't agree more. It is respecting others' time as well. Have you ever been late before? What was the reason?

I always try to be punctual, but I have not been able to do so sometimes due to train accidents, being a too optimistic, and misreading simulations.
I might be a person who doesn't care about people's punctuality. A huge delay is not good, but a few-minute delay is acceptable. Let's take it easy, is my belief.


I always try to be punctual, but I have not been able to do so sometimes due to train accidents, being  too optimistic, and misreading simulations.
I might be a person who doesn't care about people's punctuality. A huge delay is not good, but a few-minute delay is acceptable. Let's take it easy, is my belief.

1. The indefinite article "a" was unnecessary here. Use it before unspecified nouns.
That's true. I am from the Philippines, and here, we have what we call "Filipino Time" which means late. Unfortunately, it has been generalized because I value the importance of someone's time most of the time. However, when it comes to meeting friends or family, I tend to be late.

Thank you for sharing.
I heard of Filipino Time from my colleague who is from the Philippines.
I think Japanese people are punctual in starting something, like meetings and work, but not punctual in finishing work. That's why Japanese workers' working time tends to be longer.


Thank you for sharing.
I heard of Filipino Time from my colleague who is from the Philippines.
I think Japanese people are punctual in starting something, like meetings and work, but not punctual in finishing work. That's why Japanese workers work overtime.

1. Here is a more simpler and natural expression.
  • disrespectful(失礼な)
  • value((名)価値、(動)評価する、~を高く評価する、~を尊重する)
  • commitment(約束、責任、献身)
  • unwritten(書かれていない、慣習上の)
  • punctuality(時間を守るきちょうめんさ、定時性、時間通りに運行[実施]されること)
  • promise(約束)
  • priority(優先事項、重要度の高いもの)
  • tardiness(遅延、遅刻)
  • affront(侮辱、無礼)
  • blasphemy(神への冒とく、冒とく的な言動)
  • It is an unwritten rule that you must never be late in Japan.(日本では、遅刻をしてはいけないということは暗黙のルールです。)
  • You must take every possible step to ensure that this project is completed on time.(このプロジェクトを確実に予定通りに完成させるために、可能なことは全てしなければなりません。)
  • In the Japanese business world, there is no excuse for tardiness.(日本のビジネス界では、遅刻は許されません。)
  • It is almost blasphemous to be late for a business meeting in Japan.(日本でビジネスミーティングに遅刻するということはたいてい失礼にあたる行為です。)
  • I would take it as a personal affront if you showed up late to my meeting.(会議に遅刻してきたら、個人的な侮辱だと受け取ります。)
  • A late report might be seen as a lack of commitment by a Japanese CEO.(報告が遅れると、日本のCEOのコミットメントが不足しているとみなされるかもしれません。)
  • Punctuality in corporate Japan is a given.(日本の企業では、時間を守ることは当たり前のことです。)
  • Time is considered to be a very valuable commodity in Japan.(時間はとても価値のあるものと日本では考えられています。)
  • A traditional Japanese CEO would feel personally disrespected if you were late to his meeting.(伝統的な日本のCEOは、もしあなたが彼との打ち合わせに遅れたら個人的に見下されたと感じるでしょう。)
  • Japanese companies give very high priority to punctuality.(日本の会社は、時間を守るということにとても高く優先順位を置いています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • スモールトーク