
Comparing business decision making in Japan to business decision making in other countries
Why do Japanese companies take so long to make a decision?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Why do Japanese companies take so long to make a decision?

Japanese company adopts the bottom-up approach. We have to form a consensus to make a decision. Every single document should be circulated to the related members.


Japanese company adopts the bottom-up approach. We have to form a consensus to make a decision. Every single document should be circulated to the related members.

1. These sentences are correct. I am offering you an alternative word that you can use here. You can use "strategy."
Are there any specific advantages or disadvantages to the bottom-up approach in decision-making, compared to other decision-making models used in different countries or cultures?

Let me explain pros and cons regarding the bottom-up approach. The good point is that the project would be more robust by discussing with many persons concerned. On the other hand, there is a possibility to miss the opportunity due to the slow speed of the decision making.


Let me explain the pros and cons of the bottom-up approach. The good point is that the project would be more robust by discussing it with many persons concerned. On the other hand, there is a possibility of missing the opportunity due to the slow speed of decision-making.

1. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. Here, it is needed before "pros and cons."
2. The word "regarding" doesn't work well here, so we added "of" instead.
3. The phrase was incomplete, so we needed to add "it."
4. The phrase "to miss" doesn't work well here, so we needed to rephrase it. "of missing."
5. The article is not needed here, and also a hyphen is needed in this phrase. "decision-making."
I see. As Japan continues to globalize, do you think it would be more beneficial to change this traditional style of decision making?

Definitely yes. Especially the company is in the growing industry, slow decision making would lead lost of business opportunity.


Definitely yes. Especially since the company is in a growing industry, slow decision-making would lead to losing business opportunities.

1. The phrase was incomplete, so we needed to add the word "since."
2. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. Here, "a" is needed.
3. A hyphen is required for compound nouns made from two nouns.
4. The phrase "lost of" doesn't work well here, so we added "to losing" instead.
5. You talk in general, and not about one specific opportunity. That's why the plural form is needed.
You're right. Do all companies in Japan have this same bottom-up approach? Maybe multinational companies are a bit different.

Not only multinational companies but non listed owner companies adopt top-down approach.


Not only multinational companies but non-listed owner companies adopt a top-down approach.

1. A hyphen is required for compound nouns made from two nouns.
2. The indefinite article (a) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
I see. So, it's about time to adapt a system that would work efficiently. Is it easy for Japanese companies to modify their way of doing things?

In Japan, we value the traditional way of doing things. It's so tough to modify something. Reviewing procedure needs bottom-up approach.


In Japan, we value the traditional way of doing things. It's so tough to modify something. Reviewing procedure needs a bottom-up approach.

1. The indefinite article (a) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
  • stalemate(行き詰まり)
  • stonewall((形)議事進行妨害の、(動)~に協力しない、~を妨害する)
  • risky(リスキー、危険な[を伴う])
  • tenacious(粘り強い、しっかりつかんで離さない)
  • consensus(ほぼ一致した意見、合意すること)
  • committee(委員会)
  • inclusive(すべてを含んだ、包括的な)
  • feudalism(封建的な制度)
  • streamline(無駄をなくして合理化する)
  • rooted(根付いた、駄目になった)
  • Perhaps foreign companies are too quick to take risks and do so without considering all possible consequences.(おそらく海外企業は、意思決定が速すぎてリスクを負うことがありません。そして全ての起こりうる影響を考慮せず決定します。)
  • Deliberation is a very important component of the Japanese business culture.(念入りな審議は日本のビジネス文化でとても重要な構成要素です。)
  • What happens when a stalemate is reached in a business discussion?(ビジネス討論で行き詰まったら何が起きますか?)
  • Lengthy decision making is seen as the Achilles heel for Japanese companies.(決断するのに時間がかかるということは日本の会社の弱点とみられています。)
  • Japan's decision making process has its roots in feudalism.(日本の意思決定におけるプロセスは封建制度に根付いています。)
  • Do you think that Japanese companies are too cautious in their decision making?(決断をするにあたって、日本の会社は注意深すぎると思いますか?)
  • The downside to collaboration and consultation is that it tends to be very time-consuming.(連携・相談のデメリットは、時間が非常にかかりがちなことです。)
  • Foreigners sometimes get a bit frustrated when dealing with the relatively slow process of decision making in Japanese companies.(日本の会社の決断プロセスが比較的遅いことに関して、外国人は時々やや苛立ちます。)
  • Why are decisions made so quickly among American companies?(アメリカの会社ではなぜそんなに早く決断がなされるのですか?)
  • Is it better to streamline the decision making process or continue to involve all stakeholders?(意思決定の過程を能率的にする方が良いか、全出資者を関与させ続ける方が良いか。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • スモールトーク