
Explaining to guests where to pay.
Where can I pay?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Where can I pay?

You can pay at your table. I will bring the bill for you. It is 88 USD including 10% consumption tax. Do you like to pay by cash or credit card? For credit cards, we can accept VISA, Master card, and American express.


You can pay at your table. I will bring the bill for you. It is 88 USD including the 10% consumption tax. Do you like to pay by cash or credit card? For credit cards, we can accept VISA, Mastercard, and American Express.

1. Use the definite (the) article for very particular nouns/noun syntax. In this case, you are referring to “the 10% consumption tax."
2. This is spelled as one word.
3. Capitalize the first letter of proper nouns.
I would like to pay using my Visa credit card. I was unaware that I have to pay an additional 10%. What is this consumption tax that I have to pay?

Sure. I will charge the 88USD to your Visa card. The consumption tax rate in Japan is 10% or 8%. For restaurants, it varies depending on your situation. It is 10% if you eat in. If you take out, it is 8%. In your case, consumption tax rate is 10% because you eat in. Am I clear enough for you?


Sure. I will charge the 88 USD to your Visa card. The consumption tax rate in Japan is 10% or 8%. For restaurants, it varies depending on your situation. It is 10% if you eat in. If you order take out, it is 8%. In your case, the consumption tax rate is 10% because you ate in. Is it clear enough for you?

1. Put a space between a number and its unit.
2. We don't say "If you take out." We usually add a verb before the phrase.
3. Use the definite (the) article for very particular nouns/noun syntax. In this case, you are referring to “the consumption tax."
4. Use the simple past tense for completed actions “in the past.”
5. Use "Is it" to refer to the explanation.
It is clear, but I really don't understand why I am being charged this tax. The last time I came to Japan, I dod not have to pay 10%.

All the people who buy something are being charged this tax in Japan. The consumption tax rate was increased from 8% to 10% in November last year. I think that you paid 8% tax, or consumption tax was included in the price. We can commonly see all inclusive price which includes consumption tax and service fee in price.


All the people who buy something are being charged with this tax in Japan. The consumption tax rate was increased from 8% to 10% in November last year. I think that you paid an 8% tax, or the consumption tax was included in the price. We can commonly see the inclusive price which includes the consumption tax and service fee.

1. Add "with" to complete the phrasal verb (charged with).
2. Use an indefinite article (an) to refer to a singular and general noun/noun syntax which starts with a vowel sound.
3&5. Use the definite (the) article for very particular nouns/noun syntax. In this case, you are referring to “the consumption tax."
4. It would be better to be particular about one example by using the definite article. "All" would be confusing in this sense because "commonly" was already used, which indicates "nearly all but not all."
6. You can end the sentence here because it is already a complete thought and to avoid redundancy.

GREAT JOB! Enjoy your Skype lesson! ^_^
  • consumption tax(消費税 )
  • payment(支払い)
  • cashier(レジ)
  • check(会計)
  • bill(伝票)
  • Where is the cashier?(レジはどこですか?)
  • May I have the check?(お会計してもいいですか?)
  • I will bring the bill.(伝票を持って行きます。)
  • The consumption tax is 8% in Japan.(日本の消費税は8%です。)
  • Is the service charge included?(サービス料は含まれていますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 接客業/飲食店
  • 会計