
Talking about decision making in corporate Japan
How are decisions generally made in Japanese companies?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How are decisions generally made in Japanese companies?

The typical way of decision-making in Japanese companies is unanimous agreement, so the meeting is a formality. Before the meeting, subordinates of their bosses who attend the meeting adapt their bosses's opinion, so agreement is just valued in the meeting. I hear Japanese traditional companies's dicision-making is like that.


The typical way of decision-making in Japanese companies is unanimous agreement, so the meeting is a formality. Before the meeting, subordinates of their bosses who attend the meeting learn about their bosses' opinions, so agreement is just valued in the meeting. I hear Japanese traditional companies' decision-making is like that.

1. this is a more appropriate verb here; opinions are not "adapted"
2, 4. for plural nouns that end in -s, just add an apostrophe to make the possessive form
3. use plural nouns for general ideas
5. spelling
Oh, alright. Thank you for sharing that answer with me.
What do you think about this? To me, this doesn't seem like a good way to make decisions.

I have the same opinion as you.
I think perhaps discussions make us new view, and unanimous agreement maybe kill minority opinion. How is your country's one?


I have the same opinion as you.
I think perhaps discussions give us new views, and unanimous agreement maybe kill the minority's opinion. How is your country's decision-making process?

1. views are not something we can be "made" but something we can be "given"
2. use plural nouns for general ideas
3. opinion is a count noun, so it requires a determiner
4. use a possessive to indicate whose opinion you are talking about
5. "one" is vague; specify what you are talking about
You might be right about that. We end to have a top-down, hierarchical management style. We have a relaxed concept of time and may not always be punctual for meetings. What can you say about it?

I see.
Is there a time when you have the different opinions with your boss in the case of the top-down?

Hmmm,that's case by case.
It's good to discuss if the theme in the meeting clearly.
For example, what is the goal of the meeting, what should we discuss to reach the goal.
If the discussion is proceeded along these, it's ok for me because I don't like discussions diverge here and there.


I see.
Is there a time when you have    different opinions from your boss in the case of the top-down management style?

Hmmm, that's case by case.
It's good to discuss if the theme in the meeting is clear.

For example, what is the goal of the meeting and what should we discuss to reach the goal?
If the discussion proceeds along these, it's ok for me because I don't like discussions that diverge here and there.

1. the opinions you are talking about are not specific, so don't use "the" here
2. we say "similar to" but "different from"
3. supply a noun to the adjective
4. there must be a predicate in the clause; "clearly" is just an adverb, so it doesn't really express anything clear here
5. use a conjunction to connect similar ideas
6. you are asking a question, so use a question mark
7. use the active voice because the subject is the doer, not the receiver of the action
8. use "that" to add information to something you just mentioned
In my country, bosses only employ people they can trust with decision-making skills who can manage the business in the absence of the boss. Do you get involved in the decision-making process of your company?

I see.
Conversely, is there anything that is not good of top-down dicision making?
No, I am still a freshman.


I see.
Conversely, is there anything that is not good in top-down decision-making?
No, I am still a freshman.

1. use this to indicate where it is good or not good
2. spelling; hyphenate this term
There is a culture of bottom-up decision-making in some companies. The management trusts the staff working with the matters under consideration to be more informed and experienced on the matters being discussed so value their input.

I see. Top-down decision-making is based on the trust with the front-end.


I see. Top-down decision-making is based on    trust with the front end.

1. "trust" is a general term, so don't add "the" to it
2. this term is not hyphenated; "front" is an adjective for "end"
  • reluctance(不本意、嫌気)
  • embedded(埋め込まれた、内蔵された)
  • timid(気が小さい、臆病な)
  • scenario(状況、計画)
  • cautious(用心深い、注意深い)
  • internalize(内面化する、習得する)
  • conservative((名)保守的な人、伝統を重んじる人、(形)保守的な、伝統を守る)
  • seep(浸透する)
  • bureaucracy(官僚制度)
  • autocratic(独裁者の、独裁体制の)
  • The traditions of Japan's feudalistic past have seeped into its current business decision making practices.(日本の封建的だった過去の伝統が、現在の意思決定の慣習を作った。)
  • Some westerners have described Japan's business decision making model as too timid.(日本のビジネス意思決定モデルは臆病すぎると評する欧米人もいる。)
  • The advantages of a conservative approach outweigh its disadvantages.(保守的なアプローチのメリットは、デメリットを上回るものです。)
  • The unintended consequences of a faulty decision will weigh heavily on the CEO's mind.(誤った判断がもたらす予期せぬ結果は、CEOの心に重くのしかかる。)
  • We prefer careful deliberation over reckless abandon.(私たちは、無謀なことをするよりも、慎重に検討することを望みます。)
  • Compared to their western counterparts, Japanese executives seem to take more personal responsibility for their decision making.(欧米の経営者に比べて、日本の経営者は意思決定に対してより個人的な責任を負っているようです。)
  • Japanese executives tend to internalize their business decisions.(日本の重役はビジネス上の決断を内面化しがちである。)
  • A general consensus is highly valued in Japanese companies.(日本企業では(一般的な)意見の一致に重きが置かれています。)
  • Japanese companies cannot really move forward without a total buy-in from all stakeholders.(日本企業は、すべての株主の総意を得ないと本当の意味では前に進むことができません。)
  • Data can never be over-analyzed in Japanese companies.(日本の会社では、分析は大変重要とされています。(分析をしすぎるということはありません))


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • スモールトーク