
Talking about how to spend Christmas vacation.
How do you plan to spend your Christmas or New Year's?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How do you plan to spend your Christmas or New Year's?

My family and I will hold a Christmas party at home.
The presents for kids are hidden in a closet. I must remember to put them under the Christmas tree on the night of the 24th.

We have a plan to travel to Hokkaido for skiing. This is the first skiing for my kids, so I plan to put them in a class.


My family and I will hold a Christmas party at home.
The presents for kids are hidden in a closet. I must remember to put them under the Christmas tree on the night of the 24th.

We have a plan to travel to Hokkaido for skiing. This will be the first skiing for my kids, so I plan to put them in a class.

1. Use ''will be'' to refer to expected outcomes.
That sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate! Are you all excited about the skiing trip in Hokkaido? Is there something specific about the holidays that your kids are looking forward to the most?

Yes, I am.
We are looking forward to a trip to Hokkaido.

My children are looking forward to Christmas, but most of all they are interested in their presents from Santa Claus.


Yes, I am.
We are looking forward to the trip to Hokkaido.

My children are looking forward to Christmas, but most of all they are interested in their presents from Santa Claus.

1. Use the definite article for something specific.
That's adorable! Do your kids have any special wishes or expectations for what they might find under the Christmas tree from Santa Claus this year?

My 5-year-old son wants a transforming hero doll, and my 2-year-old daughter hopes to get a pink bag.
She loves pink toys and clothes.
Why do girls like a pink color something? I have no idea.


My five-year-old son wants a transforming hero doll, and my two-year-old daughter hopes to get a pink bag.
She loves pink toys and clothes.
I have no idea why girls like pink. 

1. & 2. Write numbers one to ten in words.
3. Rewrite and combine the sentences for better flow and to reduce wordiness.
Girls' attraction to pink can be influenced by various factors including cultural associations and societal norms that link the color to femininity. Have you noticed any other particular colors or interests that your children are drawn to, aside from pink for your daughter and the hero doll for your son?

My son seems to like strong primary colors like yellow, red, and green.
On the other hand, my daughter likes pale colors.
My wife and I need to buy two of everything in each color.


My son seems to like strong primary colors like yellow, red, and green.
On the other hand, my daughter likes pale colors.
My wife and I need to buy two of everything in each color.

1. You may also use ''prefers''.
  • exchange (交換する)
  • celebrate(祝う)
  • gather(集まる)
  • holiday(休暇)
  • vacation(休暇)
  • Who are you spending Christmas with?(誰とクリスマスを過ごすのですか?)
  • Our family gathers on New Year's.(私たちの家族は新年に集まります。)
  • We exchange presents with friends on Christmas.(私たちはクリスマスに友人とプレゼント交換します。)
  • How do you celebrate New Year's?(どのように新年を祝いますか?)
  • Are you going on a vacation for the holiday?(その休暇に旅行に行かれますか?)


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