Yes, thank you very much. The IT industry is growing stronger and stronger in accordance with Moore's law, and in particular, more and more devices that allow VR experiences are being sold, as if dreaming of the arrival of the VR era. Windows 12 is scheduled to be released by Microsoft next year, in 2024, and expectations are rising from all over the world. We also need to make people around the world happy by developing apps compatible with the new OS. To this end, it will be necessary to utilize mid-career human resources more than currently.
Yes, thank you very much. The IT industry is growing stronger and stronger in accordance with Moore's law, and in particular, more and more devices that allow VR experiences are being sold, as if dreaming of the arrival of the VR era. Windows 12 is scheduled to be released by Microsoft next year, in 2024, and expectations are rising from all over the world. We also need to make people around the world happy by developing apps compatible with the new OS. To this end, it will be necessary to utilize mid-career human resources more than currently.
To celebrate the arrival of the VR era, as someone in this industry, I would like to create something called a virtual reality world. People have dreamed up various virtual realities through games. Thanks to technological developments, people can now immerse themselves in various virtual realities. I think this change is really wonderful. I think this game is great not only for entertainment, but also for education and vocational training. I would like to further develop this industry by spreading this knowledge among people.
To celebrate the arrival of the VR era, as someone in this industry, I would like to create something called a virtual reality world. People have envisioned diverse virtual realities through games. Thanks to technological developments, people can now immerse themselves in various virtual realities. I think this change is really wonderful. I think this game is great not only for entertainment but also for education and vocational training. I would like to further develop this industry by spreading this knowledge among people.
Achieving this balance is difficult because it requires allocating appropriate personnel to each area. This is because it is necessary to listen to the wishes of each employee. If employees don't hear such things, they may even quit.
Achieving this balance is difficult because it requires allocating appropriate personnel to each area. This is because it's necessary to listen to the wishes of each employee. If employees don't hear such things, they may even quit.
- robust(堅調な、活気のある)
- fragile(調子が悪い、脆弱な)
- stagnant(不景気な、停滞気味の)
- healthy(元気である)
- sound(様子、調子、印象)
- flourishing(繁栄している、景気の良い)
- vigorous(活気あふれる)
- ailing(不調の、不安定な、経営難の)
- crippled(〔景気などが〕不活発になった)
- thriving(繁盛している、盛況な)
- The industry is quite fragile now since the emergence of new technology.(新しいテクノロジーの出現により、その業界は現在とても不安定である。)
- The proliferation of foreign companies in the region has crippled our industry.(この分野における海外企業の増加により、業界の機能が低下した。)
- Thanks to our new business philosophy, our industry is flourishing.(弊社の新しいビジネス哲学のおかげで、業界は景気が良い。)
- Our ailing economy has accelerated the decline of our industry.(弊社の不調な景気は、業界の落ち込みを加速させている。)
- If we don't come up with answers soon, our industry will be dead in the water.(もし私たちがすぐに答えを出さなければ、我々の業界は苦境に陥るでしょう。)
- Our industry has never been healthier thanks to the weak American dollar.(我々の業界は、米ドル安のおかげで今までになく好調です。)
- Japan's participation in the TPP program has helped to revitalize our otherwise ailing industry.(TPPプログラムへの日本の参加は弊社の不調だった産業の活性化につながっている。)
- The introduction of our competitor's new product has thrown this industry into a state of frenzy.(弊社の競合他社の新商品の導入は、この業界を錯乱状態に陥らせた。)
- The vigorous local economy has breathed new life into our industry.(活気あふれる地元経済は私たちの業界に新しい生命を吹きこんだ。)
- This industry has fared badly due to our reluctance to take risks.(この産業は、弊社がリスクを負うことをためらったため、転落した。)