
Asking a guest about their meal.
I'm full.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I'm full.

How was the food? I hope you like the dishes. Would you like to eat something sweet? We have a wide variety of dessert such as pudding, cake, ice cream and so on. My recommendation is affogato which espresso is put on vanilla ice cream. It is very popular in this restaurant.


How was the food? I hope you like the dishes. Would you like to eat something sweet? We have a wide variety of desserts, such as pudding, cake, ice cream, and so on. My recommendation is affogato, which is espresso with vanilla ice cream. It is very popular in this restaurant.

1. We use the plural form when talking about it in general.
2. We put a comma before 'and' when there are several items under a similar category.
3. We use a comma to separate a clause that contains additional information but does not change the meaning of the sentence.
4,5. I'm not sure if you're talking about ice cream with espresso or an espresso (coffee) with ice cream on it, so I suggested rephrasing this to make it logical.
I see. I have never tasted all these dishes but they sound delicious. For now, I would like something light to ease my digestion like a glass of wine. Do you have some wine?

Sure, we have many wines. What kind of wine would you like to drink? We have red, white and rose wine. We can serve sparking wine as well. Some Chinese tea which are good for your digestion are also available. Here is the menu. Please ask me when you are ready to order.


Sure, we have many kinds of wine. What kind of wine would you like to drink? We have red, white, and rose wine. We can serve sparkling wine, as well. Some Chinese tea, which is good for your digestion, is also available. Here is the menu. Please ask me when you are ready to order.

1. 'wine' can be uncountable in this context and therefore should be in a singular form. You can consider using this phrase as an alternative.
2. You had a spelling error here.
3. We use a comma to separate a clause that contains additional information but does not change the meaning of the sentence.
4. This verb must agree in number with a singular subject 'Chinese tea'.
5. We use a comma before and after a nonrestrictive clause as defined in number 3 since the main sentence would still mean the same even without it.
6. same as number 4.
Oh sure. Let me try the Chinese tea. I have been hearing about their effectiveness but I had never tried taking them. Let me have a cup right away.

Sure. I am happy to serve a cup of Chinese tea for you. There are several different types of Chinese tea in our restaurant such as Oolong tea, Jasmin tea, and Pu-erh tea. All tea are good to support your digestion. Which tea would you like to order?


Sure. I am happy to serve a cup of Chinese tea for you. There are several different types of Chinese tea in our restaurants, such as Oolong tea, Jasmin tea, and Pu-erh tea. All tea is good to support your digestion. Which tea would you like to order?

1. We use a comma to separate a nonrestrictive clause from the main sentence, as explained in the previous corrections.
2. 'tea' is a singular noun so we use a singular verb as well.
  • salty(塩の効いた、塩辛い)
  • delicious(美味しい)
  • flavor(味)
  • bitter(苦い)
  • raw(生の)
  • Please come again.(またお越し下さい。)
  • Was the flavor okay? Was it too salty?(味は大丈夫でしたか?しょっぱ過ぎましたか?)
  • How was the food?(料理はいかがでしたか?)
  • Was the steak cooked to your liking?(ステーキはお好みの焼き加減でしたか?)
  • Was the curry too spicy for you?(そのカレーはあたなには辛過ぎましたか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 接客業/飲食店
  • 給仕する