
Asking guests if they want to eat-in or take-out.
May I have this one?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
May I have this one?

Sure. Let me repeat what you ordered. One cheeseburger, one french fries, and one bottle of mineral water. Am I correct? Would you like to order anything else? Do you want to eat them in or take out? Consumption tax varies in case of eat-in or take-out


Sure. Let me repeat what you ordered. One cheeseburger, one portion of french fries, and one bottle of mineral water. Am I correct? Would you like to order anything else. Do you want to eat them in or take them out? The consumption tax varies depending on what you choose.

1. Add this noun + preposition here as "french fries" is an uncountable noun.
2. Add this pronoun here to indicate the object of the sentence.
3. Add this article here as you are referring to a singular kind of tax.
4. You can use this phrasing as an alternative.
Yes, of course. That's exactly what we ordered. I would like to add a dessert. What do you suggest? And we would like to take-out.

Thanks for your confirmation. My recommendation for dessert is an apple pie. It is an authentic American apple pie which is very popular in the US. It costs two USD. Do you want to order it on top of what you ordered? Consumption tax for take-out is 8 %. So, if you order an apple pie, the total cost will be 10 USD plus 80 cents for the consumption tax.


Thanks for your confirmation. My recommendation for dessert is an apple pie. It is an authentic American apple pie which is very popular in The U.S. It costs two USD. Do you want to order it on top of what you ordered? The consumption tax for take-out food is 8 %. So, if you order an apple pie, the total cost will be 10 USD plus 80 cents for the consumption tax.

1. Add this article here as you are referring to a singular kind of tax.
2. Add this noun here to complement the sentence.
Oh, I understand. I'm sorry but I don't like apple pie. Do you have any other recommendations?

Got it. If so, how about affogato which is an Italian dessert. It is a vanilla ice cream which a cup of strong espresso is put on top of it. We can serve ice cream and espresso separately so that ice cream will not be melted until you eat it. It costs four USD.


Got it. If so, how about affogato, which is an Italian dessert? It is a vanilla ice cream with a cup of strong espresso _ on top. We can serve them separately, so that the ice cream will not melt until you eat it. It costs four USD.

1. Use this preposition when you mean "accompanied by".
2. The rest of the sentence was redundant.
3. You can use this pronoun here to avoid repetition.
4. Add this article here as you are referring to the same ice cream mentioned before.
5. No need to use the passive voice here as you are not highlighting the action overb the subject in this sentence.
  • to go(持ち帰りで)
  • without ~(〜抜きの)
  • For here or to go?(店内で食べますか、それともテイクアウトしますか?)
  • Shall I tell you how it works?(説明いたしましょうか?)
  • What size would you like?(サイズはいかがなさいますか?)
  • Customer number 2, please. Your order is ready.(番号2番のお客様!)
  • Could you wait about 10 minutes, please?(10分ほどお待ちいただけますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 接客業/飲食店
  • 注文を受ける