Yes. We'd like to report on the market research for candidates of new products. This time we focused on idea screening research and concept research. At this meeting, if there is no problem, we will go on to focus on group research. We used web research for both of them. First, we did idea screening, then conducted concept research based on the result of screening. We narrowed down four out of twenty-five candidates. Let's start with the result of the idea screening. The main findings of this phase are who is a target segment and which idea has more demand.
Yes. We'd like to report on the market research for candidates of new products. This time we focused on idea screening research and concept research. At this meeting, if there is no problem, we will focus on group research. We used web research for both of them. First, we did idea screening, then conducted concept research based on the result of screening. We narrowed down four out of twenty-five candidates. Let's start with the result of the idea screening. The main findings of this phase are who is a target segment and which idea has more demand.
As for the screening, we created ten groups, which consist of males and females by age groups, and we took 400 samples for each group. Our hypothesis before the research was the demand of our ideas were congregated in a certain age group. However, we found that our new product ideas may have wider segments than we thought. Based on the result of this, we narrowed down ideas and reconsidered the persona of a product target.
As for the screening, we created ten groups, which consist of males and females by age groups, and we took 400 samples for each group. Our hypothesis before the research was the demand for our ideas was congregated in a certain age group. However, we found that our new product ideas may have wider segments than we thought. Based on the result of this, we narrowed down ideas and reconsidered the persona of a product target.
We decided to concentrate on ideas that have a volume zone in the millennials to reduce our risks. We picked the top ten ideas that had high scores especially, among the millennials, and created each product concept. At the concept research, we used six groups, which consist of males and females between their 20s' to 40s'. The main findings at this phase are an acceptance of the product concept and the purchase intention of each concept. In the end, four product concepts are chosen based on those quantitative research. We'd like to move those concepts to qualitative research.
We decided to focus on ideas that have a volume zone in the millennials to reduce our risks. We picked the top ten ideas that had high scores, especially among the millennials, and created each product concept. At the concept research, we used six groups, which consist of males and females between 20s' to 40s'. The main findings at this phase are an acceptance of the product concept and the purchase intention of each concept. In the end, four product concepts are chosen based on quantitative research. We'd like to move those concepts to qualitative research.
- interpretation(説明、解説)
- segmentation(区分け、分割、区分)
- trend(傾向、動向、トレンド)
- strategy(戦略)
- commodities(商品、日用品、生活必需品)
- component(構成要素)
- systematic(体系立てられた、手順通りの)
- insight(洞察力)
- competitiveness(競争力、競争的なこと)
- pattern(パターン、様式)
- We need to maintain the competitive edge that we currently have.(現在の競争力を維持する必要があります。)
- Marketing research is the foundation of marketing.(マーケティングの基礎となるのがマーケティングリサーチです。)
- Our job is to determine what people want, need, and believe.(私たちの仕事は、人々が何を求め、必要とし、信じているかを見極めることです。)
- Our research shows that people in this area do not want an influx of convenience stores.(この地域の人はコンビニの参入を望んでいないことが調査で分かる。)
- Our latest research indicates that there is an increasing demand for drive-thru restaurants in this area.(私たちの最新の調査では、この地域でドライブスルーのできるレストランの需要が増えているということがわかります。)
- There is nothing in our research that indicates gender differences in the sales of our product.(弊社の商品売上に関して、私たちの研究結果では男女差はありません。)
- We see a definite trend among young people's purchasing habits over time.(若い人の購買癖の明確な傾向が徐々に見えています。)
- The recent popularity of musical group WYZ has definitely affected sales.(最近のミュージックグループWYZの人気は絶対に売上に影響している。)
- Our research shows that our competitors are starting to infiltrate the market.(私たちの研究では、弊社の競合会社は、市場に入り込み始めてきています。)
- Our marketing research has proven to effective so far, but we need to keep a careful eye on our competition.(私たちのマーケティング調査は確実だと証明されていますが、注意深く競合会社を見ていく必要があります。)