
Answering a guest's questions concerning the ingredients in a meal.
What is it made from?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What is it made from?

Our Halal ramen soup is made from kelp, shiitake mushrooms, soy milk, and non-alcoholic soy sauce. We have hard-boiled eggs, boiled chicken, and whole or mushed garlic as garnish. The table is made of Japanese cypress. As the number of tourists from Malaysia and Indonesia increases, our ramen is getting popular.


Our Halal ramen soup is made from kelp, shiitake mushrooms, soy milk, and non-alcoholic soy sauce. We have hard-boiled eggs, boiled chicken, and whole or mushed garlic as garnish. The table is made of Japanese cypress. As the number of tourists from Malaysia and Indonesia increases, our ramen is getting popular.

1. You may also use ''use'' instead of ''have''.
It sounds delicious indeed, no wonder it's gaining popularity. Do you add any herbs and spices to season the dish?

Also, our ramen soup contains ginger, leek, sesame seeds, sesame oil, chili paste, miso paste, and black pepper. Instead of sake, apple juice is used. Most Japanese ramen put grilled pork called Char-siu pork. Now, we are considering grilled plant-based meat as a topping besides boiled chicken. Many ramen restaurants in Japan have some alcoholic drinks, but we will never ever do that from now on too.


Also, our ramen soup contains ginger, leek, sesame seeds, sesame oil, chili paste, miso paste, and black pepper. Instead of sake, apple juice is used. Most Japanese ramen put grilled pork called Char-siu pork. Now, we are considering grilled plant-based meat as a topping besides boiled chicken. Many ramen restaurants in Japan have some alcoholic drinks, but we will never    do that from now on too.

1. You may also use ''Our ramen soup also''.
2. ''ever'' is not necessary.
The variety of ingredients in your Halal ramen soup is fascinating! How do you balance the flavors of kelp, shiitake mushrooms, and soy milk, and what inspired the choice of apple juice over sake in the soup?

I'm not sure because I'm not the creator of the recipe. Using Apple makes sense. Apple can make various ingredients, from wine to vinegar, and so can lemon, lime, or orange. Yet, apples aren't as sour as those citrus fruits and have a mysterious substance, ethylene, which ripes other foods. Apples might mellow the soup. Cooking is exactly a science.


I'm not sure because I'm not the creator of the recipe. Using apple juice makes sense. Apples can be used as ingredients in many dishes, from wine to vinegar, and so can lemons, limes, or oranges. Yet, apples aren't as sour as those citrus fruits and have a mysterious substance, ethylene, which ripens other ingredients. Apples might mellow the soup. Cooking is a kind of science. 

1. Use lowercase as it is a common noun.
2. Use ''juice'' a super the question.
3. 5. 6. & 7. Use plural nouns for things in general.
4. Rephrase for clarity.
8. Use ''ripens'' to mean make something ripe.
9. Use ''ingredients'' to refer to substances used to make dishes.
10. Use the phrase as ''exactly a science'' is not clear.
  • Japanese sake(日本酒)
  • rice cake(お餅)
  • sesame sauce(胡麻だれ)
  • fish broth(魚の出汁)
  • spring roll(春巻き)
  • Sake is made from rice.(酒はお米からできています。)
  • "Tori" is chicken and "mizore" means sleet.(”鶏”はchickenで、”みぞれ”とはsleetという意味です。)
  • Nimono is food simmered in stock with soy sauce and other seasonings.(煮物は、醤油や調味料を使って出汁で煮込む料理です。)
  • It’s a special appetizer called "otoshi".(こちらは”お通し”とよばれる前菜です。)
  • "Tsukimi soba" is buckwheat noodles in hot broth topped with raw egg.(”月見そば”とは温かいつゆに入ったそばで、生卵が上にのっています。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 接客業/飲食店
  • 注文を受ける