
Showing guests to the smoking area.
Do you have a smoking area?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have a smoking area?

We are very sorry for this inconvenience but smoking inside this restaurant is prohibited except for the designated smoking area over there. To get to the smoking area, go straight down this corridor, turn right at the end, and you will find the place on your right side. Am I clear enough for you?


We are very sorry for this inconvenience but smoking inside this restaurant is not allowed except for the designated smoking area over there. To get to the smoking area, go straight down this corridor, turn right at the end, and you will find the place on your right side. Am I clear enough for you?

1. Your expression was totally fine, this is just an alternative.
So go straight and turn right, is that right? Is it a large area? If it isn't I might as well go outside and smoke.

Exactly, you are right. The designated smoking room in this restaurant is not very large. If you are fine with the cold temperature outside, it might be better for you to go outside and smoke. Smoking on the street is still OK in this area although it is not possible in central Tokyo.


Exactly, you are right. The designated smoking room  is not very large. However, if you are fine with the cold temperature outside, it might be better for you to go outside and smoke. Smoking on the street is still OK in this area although it is not possible in central Tokyo.

1. You don't have to repeat this phrase as it is already implied.
2. Instead of using a conjunction to begin a sentence, use an adverb to do so.
I'd still want to see and give it a try.Maybe it is not so crowded after all. If I decide to smoke outside, which way leads to the exit?

The designated smoking room may be very crowded at this time. I am sorry for the inconvenience. If you would like to smoke outside, go straight down the corridor over there, turn left at the end, then you will find the exit. Please be careful if you go to central Tokyo. Smoking on the street in central Tokyo is prohibited. You will be punished with a penalty of 3000 JPY if you are found out by the watchmen.


The designated smoking room may be very crowded at this time. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Also, if you would like to smoke outside, go straight down the corridor over there, turn left at the end, then you will find the exit. Please be careful if you go to central Tokyo. Smoking on the street in central Tokyo is prohibited. You will be punished with a penalty of 3000 JPY if you are found out by the watchmen.

1. Instead of using a conjunction to begin a sentence, use an adverb to do so.
  • smoking area(喫煙所)
  • full(満員の、満席の)
  • smoke(タバコを吸う)
  • second-hand smoke(受動喫煙)
  • separate rooms(別々の部屋)
  • Please follow me.(ご案内します。)
  • Smoking or non-smoking?(喫煙席になさいますか、禁煙席になさいますか?)
  • Do you smoke, sir? (タバコは吸われますか?)
  • We don't have any smoking area.(喫煙席はありません。)
  • All the smoking tables are taken.(喫煙席は満席です。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 接客業/飲食店
  • お客様を迎える