
Let's explain that the product is also available at our on-line store.
Could I get this at your online store?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Could I get this at your online store?

Yes, you can buy this at our online store. There is a wide variety of products available in the online store. If you buy more than 5000 JPY, shipping fee will be for free. Also, if you registered as a online membership, we can give you a 20% discount coupon which you can use in case you buy more than 3000 JPY.


Yes, you can buy this in our online store. There is a wide variety of products available in the online store. If you buy for more than 5000 JPY, the shipping  will be for free. Also, if you register as an online member, we can give you a 20% discount coupon which you can use in case you buy for more than 3000 JPY.

1. It is not the best preposition in this context. Replace it.
2. You are missing preposition, and it should be added.
3. This article is the word 'the,' and it refers directly to a specific noun or group of nouns.
4. It is extremely vague. Try this alternative expression.
That sounds great. How do I register for online membership? What are the requirements? Does the process take long?

No, it does not take long time. It is very simple. You just need to spend two to three minutes to complete the process. We need your name, e-mail address, birthday and phone number. That's all. Please fill out the form with those information to register.


No, it does not take a long time. It is very simple. You just need to spend two to three minutes to complete the process. We need your name, e-mail address, birthday and phone number. That's all. Please fill out the form with that information to register.

1. Use an indefinite article here. It refers to nouns, but the noun being referred to is not a specific person, place, object, or idea.
2. You are using the countable form with a noncountable noun.
It does sound simple indeed. Do I have to pay a joining fee? If that is the case, how much is the joining fee?

Yes, it is quite simple. Of course, it is free of charge. You do not need to pay any joining fee. Annual fee is also for free. It does not cost at all, but you can get great benefits from our company as a member of online membership.


Yes, it is quite simple. Of course, it is free of charge. You do not need to pay any joining fee. The annual membership is also for free. It does not cost anything at all, but you can get great benefits from our company as an online member.

Good work.
1. This article is the word 'the,' and it refers directly to a specific noun or group of nouns.
2. The expression you used does not belong here. Replace it.
3. I have added an expression to an incomplete sentence.
4. Here is a less wordy way you could have expressed the idea.
  • ship overseas(海外発送する)
  • sell(売る)
  • in stores(店舗で)
  • shipping fee(送料)
  • cheap(安い)
  • We can ship this item overseas.(海外発送も行えます。)
  • Yes, you can buy it cheaper online.(そうですね、オンラインストアではもっと安く買えます。)
  • No, you can only buy this in stores.(いいえ、こちらは店舗でのみ購入できます。)
  • Yes, we sell the item both in stores and online.(はい、店舗でもオンラインでも販売しております。)
  • Shipping is free of charge.(発送費は無料です。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 接客業/物販