
Asking about working conditions while at a job interview
Do you have any questions about this position?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have any questions about this position?

I'd like to know about the working conditions of this company. I try to do my best, but for my health I need at least 5 hours of sleep, and I think it's appropriate to work no more than 15 hours a day. Also, I'm not a robot, so I would like to have at least two days off in a month.
I'd also like to find out whether this company provides overtime pay, how many hours of overtime work is usually required per month, and how holidays and paid vacations work. . Thank you very much for your reply.


I'd like to know about the working conditions of this company. I try to do my best but for my health, I need at least 5 hours of sleep, and I think it's appropriate to work no more than 15 hours a day. Also, I'm not a robot, so I would like to have at least two days off in a month.
I'd also like to find out whether this company provides overtime pay, how many hours of overtime work is usually required per month, and how holidays and paid vacations work. Thank you very much for your reply.

1. A comma is needed before the conjunction to connect two independent clauses. Here, the second clause is dependent.
2. A comma is needed after the introductory phrase.
We offer overtime compensation and ensure that employees have their entitled holidays and vacation time. Is there any specific aspect of the work schedule or policies you'd like further details about to ensure it aligns with your needs?

In the unlikely event that I end up hospitalized for a long time due to a serious illness, can I take a leave of absence from work or do I need to resign?


In the unlikely event that I end up hospitalized for a long time due to a serious illness, can I take a leave of absence from work, or do I need to resign?

1. A comma is needed before the conjunction to connect two independent clauses.
We do have provisions for medical leave and understand that unexpected situations can arise. Our company policies support employees during challenging times like prolonged illness. Is there anything specific you'd like to know about our medical leave policies?

No, nothing in particular. Thank you very much for your reply.
By the way, Japan's Emperor of the Heisei era has finally turned 90 years old. Thank you for supporting the Imperial Family for a long time. I pray that you will continue to respect Japan's imperial family and Japanese culture for many years to come. As this is the birthday of the former Emperor of Japan, I would like to pray for this.
Thank you for interviewing me today.
I wish you continued success and development in the future.


No, nothing in particular. Thank you very much for your reply.
By the way, Japan's Emperor of the Heisei era has finally turned 90 years old. Thank you for supporting the Imperial Family for a long time. I pray that you will continue to respect Japan's imperial family and Japanese culture for many years to come. As this is the birthday of the former Emperor of Japan, I would like to pray for this.
Thank you for interviewing me today.
I wish you continued success and development in the future.

1. These sentences are correct. If you want to sound more confident, use the verb "want."
  • conducive(貢献する)
  • quality(品質)
  • oversight(見落とし、監視)
  • privacy(プライバシー)
  • emphasize(強調する、力説する)
  • flexibility(柔軟性、順応性)
  • assurance(請け合う約束、断言すること)
  • morale(やる気、気力)
  • interference(障害、支障)
  • unilateral(一方的な、片側性の)
  • Can I be sure that the air circulation in my office is good?(オフィスの空気の循環は良いのでしょうか?)
  • What safety measures are in place to protect us against workplace violence?(職場での暴力に対する防御のための安全対策は何がありますか?)
  • Who can I turn to if I feel that I am being harassed?(いやがらせを受けたら誰に頼ることができますか?)
  • What is the company's policy regarding whistle blowers?(内部告発についての会社の方針は何ですか?)
  • Do I have the right to refuse to work on weekends or overtime?(土日や残業を拒否する権利はありますか?)
  • Can you explain your dress code?(御社の服装規定について説明いただけますか?)
  • How many job related accidents have you had last year?(昨年労災は何回ありましたか?)
  • How flexible are you in determining my daily starting and ending times?(私の日々の始業時刻と終業時刻の確定について、どのくらい柔軟性がありますか?)
  • How many foreign business trips will I need to go on in a year?(1年間に何回の海外出張が必要ですか?)
  • How much time in advance do you need when I ask for some time off?(お休みをいただくどのくらい前にご連絡する必要がありますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 英語面接
  • 雇用条件を聞く