
Taking a coffee break with a co-worker
How are things going?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How are things going?

That's fine. But I'm bothered by the new project. I want to drink something sweet. How about you?


Things are going well. But I'm bothered by the new project. I want to drink something sweet. How about you?

1. We don't usually use "that's fine" as an answer to "how are things going". We could use "Things are going well."
Oh, really? That is why you look a bit uneasy these days. What happened? What about trying a cafe latte? Maybe, we can try that one.

Thanks. A cafe latte is nice choice. I like it. Actually, the schedule of the project is a little delay. Because of the bad weather, we cannot get our products from our factories. We have to find other factories they can prepare similar products. Do you have some recommendations of other factories?


Thanks. A cafe latte is a nice choice. I like it. Actually, the schedule of the project is delayed a little. Because of the bad weather, we cannot get our products from our factories. We have to find other factories that can prepare similar products. Do you have some recommendations for other factories?

1. "Nice choice" is a singular and countable noun, so we should use an article before it.
2. "a little delay" is a noun but we need an adjective to describe the subject. We could use "delayed a little".
3. "That" is needed to introduce the clause that provides additional information about the noun "other factories" and it serves as the subject of that clause.
4. The preposition 'for' is required here. We commonly use the structure 'recommendations for something'.
That sounds like a good idea! Have you tried contacting the ABC factory? They are located in the A region, so I believe they are not affected by the adverse weather.

That's nice! I will contact the ABC factory. Do you know the person in charge of that factory? I want to call the person quickly, so could you tell me the name and phone number of the person?


That's nice! I will contact the ABC factory. Do you know the person in charge of that factory? I want to call the person quickly, so could you tell me the name and phone number of the person?

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "I'll get in touch with the ABC factory."
Oh, that I am not sure of. Have you tried consulting your department head about that? I am pretty sure that he has an idea about it.

OK, I will talk with my boss after this break.
By the way, have you heard Emily gave a birth in the last week? I would like to prepare some presents for her from the members of our department. Could you give me some ideas of present, you often talk with her and eat lunch together.


OK, I will talk with my boss after this break.
By the way, have you heard Emily gave    birth    last week? I would like to prepare some presents for her from the members of our department. Could you give me some ideas for presents? You often talk with her and eat lunch together.

1. "Birth" is an uncountable noun here, so we don't need the indefinite article with it.
2. "in the" is not required with the adverbial phrase "Last week".
3. The preposition 'for' is required here. We commonly use the structure 'ideas for something'. "For" means "with regard to" here.
4. We need the plural form when referring to more than one thing, person, or entity.
5. We should separate the question from the statement here. We need the question mark and the uppercase "you".
That is good news about Emily, I am sure she is very happy as well. I'm not sure about the present that she would like though. Don't you think a baby hamper would do, is it a baby boy or girl?

I heard the baby is girl. Baby hamper, that's nice idea. I will go to shopping mall this weekend and choose cute baby hamper. Thanks for your advice!


I heard the baby is a girl. A baby hamper, that's a nice idea. I will go to a shopping mall this weekend and choose a cute baby hamper. Thanks for your advice!

1. "Girl" is a singular and countable noun, so we should use an article before it.
2. "Baby hamper" is a singular and countable noun, so we should use an article before it.
3. "Nice idea" is a singular and countable noun, so we should use an article before it.
4. "shopping mall" is a singular and countable noun, so we should use an article before it.
5. "cute baby hamper" is a singular and countable noun, so we should use an article before it. When a singular and countable noun such as hamper, idea, etc. is used without an article or any other determiner, it doesn't refer to anything particular. For example, the sentence "I saw car" doesn't have a specific meaning. Sentences such as "I saw a car", "I saw your car", "I saw the car", etc. do have a meaning.
  • a newly opened coffee shop(新しくオープンした喫茶店)
  • suggestion(提案)
  • routine(決められた方法、繰り返されるもの、所定の、定められた通りの)
  • at least(少なくとも)
  • ~and so on(〜など)
  • grab a snack(軽食をつまむ)
  • bit(少しだけ)
  • cut back(減らす)
  • get used to(慣れる)
  • sounds good!(いいね!)
  • ought to~(~をするべきだ)
  • rest my brain(頭を休める)
  • I'm not familiar with it, but I'm willing to learn more about it!(私は馴染みがありませんが、もっと知りたいと思っています!)
  • It is necessary for me to address this situation, or else nothing will change.(私がこの状況に対処しなければ、何も変わらない。)
  • I like tea rather than coffee.(コーヒーよりお茶が好きです。)
  • I'm becoming addicted to this artist.(このアーティストにハマりつつあります。)
  • Do you have enough free time to teach them a little about what needs to be done?(やるべきことを少しでも教えてあげられるだけの自由な時間はありますか?)
  • We don't we take a little breather and get back to in later on?(少し息抜きをして、また後で再開しませんか?)
  • I'm curious about what would compel someone to do something like that?(気になるのは、何が原因でそんなことをしなければならないのかということです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • スモールトーク