
Taking a coffee break with a co-worker
How are things going?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How are things going?

Everything is fine! I love this cafe and its different atmosphere from Starbucks. I often feel uncomfortable and spooky at Starbucks in Japan. I am trying to understand why they study and are on the laptops there. They are narcissistic. Their desire for self-exposure and need for approval must be strong. Besides that, some of them speak to staff members too friendly and regard them as girlfriends who make customers happy with just a cup of coffee.


Everything is fine! I love this cafe and its different atmosphere from Starbucks. I often feel uncomfortable and spooked at Starbucks in Japan. I am trying to understand why they study and are on the laptops there. They are narcissistic. Their desire for self-exposure and need for approval must be strong. Besides that, some of them speak to staff members too friendly and regard them as girlfriends who make customers happy with just a cup of coffee.

1. We usually use "spooked" when describing someone's experience or feelings. "Spooky" is used to describe things that make us spooked.
It's great that you found a cafe you enjoy! What do you like most about this new cafe's atmosphere? Do you have a favorite drink there?

I like a good clientele here. It's a big difference from creepy Starbucks in Japan. Customers here behave themselves and enjoy talking to friends and drinking coffee. I like hot black coffee.


I like a good clientele here. It's a big difference from creepy Starbucks in Japan. Customers here behave themselves and enjoy talking to friends and drinking coffee. I like hot black coffee.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "Customers here conduct themselves well, enjoying conversations with friends and drinking coffee."
It sounds like you've found a great spot to relax and enjoy your coffee! Do you often visit this cafe with friends or prefer going alone?

I wouldn't say I like going out alone and need some companions. What a lovely cafe! There are no creepy people, people inviting others to a Ponzi scheme or loud typing sounds. I can listen to fantastic operas here.


I wouldn't say I like going out alone and need some companions. What a lovely cafe! There are no creepy people, people inviting others to a Ponzi scheme or loud typing sounds. I can listen to fantastic operas here.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "There are no creepy individuals, no one inviting others to Ponzi schemes, and no loud typing noises."
It sounds like the perfect place to unwind! Do you have a favorite opera you enjoy listening to while you're there?

I like anything in operas. I particularly liked "Nessun dorma" from Turandot by Puccini, sung by Luciano Pavarotti. I'm also interested in folk songs from Ireland and Scotland, but I need help understanding their meanings. Lyrics and poems could be more straightforward to comprehend. I remember a Belgian who often sent me poems. I couldn't always understand them. He told me I could use Google Translator, but the poems were still Greek. He wrote in a poem, "arresting novels that pile up like summer, clouds covered in the world's sleek erosion." I have no idea.


I like anything in operas. I particularly liked "Nessun dorma" from Turandot by Puccini, sung by Luciano Pavarotti. I'm also interested in folk songs from Ireland and Scotland, but I need help understanding their meanings. Lyrics and poems could be more straightforward to comprehend. I remember a Belgian who often sent me poems. I couldn't always understand them. He told me I could use Google Translator, but the poems were still Greek. He wrote in a poem, "arresting novels that pile up like summer, clouds covered in the world's sleek erosion." I have no idea what he meant by that.

1. Consider adding more information to specify what you have no idea about. For example, we could use "what he meant by that".
  • a newly opened coffee shop(新しくオープンした喫茶店)
  • suggestion(提案)
  • routine(決められた方法、繰り返されるもの、所定の、定められた通りの)
  • at least(少なくとも)
  • ~and so on(〜など)
  • grab a snack(軽食をつまむ)
  • bit(少しだけ)
  • cut back(減らす)
  • get used to(慣れる)
  • sounds good!(いいね!)
  • ought to~(~をするべきだ)
  • rest my brain(頭を休める)
  • I'm not familiar with it, but I'm willing to learn more about it!(私は馴染みがありませんが、もっと知りたいと思っています!)
  • It is necessary for me to address this situation, or else nothing will change.(私がこの状況に対処しなければ、何も変わらない。)
  • I like tea rather than coffee.(コーヒーよりお茶が好きです。)
  • I'm becoming addicted to this artist.(このアーティストにハマりつつあります。)
  • Do you have enough free time to teach them a little about what needs to be done?(やるべきことを少しでも教えてあげられるだけの自由な時間はありますか?)
  • We don't we take a little breather and get back to in later on?(少し息抜きをして、また後で再開しませんか?)
  • I'm curious about what would compel someone to do something like that?(気になるのは、何が原因でそんなことをしなければならないのかということです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • スモールトーク