
Let's explain the product's warranty period and repair procedures to the customer.
Is this product guaranteed?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Is this product guaranteed?

Yes, this product has two years of warranty. If it is broken within two years, the manufacturer can replace it with a new one for free. We also offer an extension of the warranty period with extra charge as our original service. If you additionally pay 50 USD, our shop can guarantee it for additional three years.


Yes, this product has two years of warranty. If it gets broken within two years, the manufacturer can replace it with a new one for free. We also offer an extension of the warranty period with extra charge as our original service. If you additionally pay 50 USD, our shop can guarantee it for three additional years.

1. You can use this verb as an alternative.
2. You can use this wording as an alternative.
That sounds interesting. What if I break the product and it is a clear accident. Will it be replaced?

Yes, it will be replaced as long as it is a clear accident. We highly recommend you have additional three-year warranty because this laptop PC is expensive at 2000 USD, and it costs at least 400 USD if you ask any repairs by the manufacturer. Do you have any questions?


Yes, it will be replaced as long as it is a clear accident. We highly recommend you to have an additional three-year warranty because this laptop _ is expensive at 2000 USD, and it costs at least 400 USD if you ask the manufacturer to repair it. Do you have any questions?

1. Add this preposition before this infinitive verb to indicate purpose.
2. Add this article here as you are referring to a singular noun (warranty).
3. This was redundant here
4. You can use this phrasing as an alternative.
Okay, thank you for the details. What if my laptop has some software challenges? Can you also assist me with that?

If you can come to this shop with your PC, we are willing to assist you. Do you live near this area? If you live in a distant place, you can also use the help desk of this manufacturer on the phone. Their help desk is very kind and hard working.


If you can come to this shop with your PC, we are willing to assist you. Do you live near this area? If you live in a distant place, you can also use the help desk of this manufacturer on the phone. Their help desk is very kind and hard working.

1. Great! Enjoy your Skype lesson.
  • warranty(〔製品の〕(品質)保証(書))
  • valid(期限切れでない、有効な)
  • repair(修理)
  • term of guarantee(保証期間)
  • need(必要)
  • Does it come with a warranty?(保証書はついてますか?)
  • Is the warranty valid in Japan?(日本でも保証は効きますか?)
  • There is a one-year warranty for this product.(この商品には1年間の保証があります。)
  • This is in need of repair.(これは修理が必要です。)
  • There is a repair shop near here.(ここの近くに修理工場があります。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 接客業/物販
  • 会計