
Asking specific questions about a position at a job interview
Do you have any questions about this position?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have any questions about this position?

Could you tell me the relation of your employees? Are they more like working in a team helping each other? Or they are more independent and can decide things by themselves?


Could you tell me about your employees? Do they like working in a team helping each other? Or are they more independent and can decide things by themselves?

1. This version is more natural. You can use the word "relationship" when talking about employees, "relation" is not really applicable.
2. This is the proper auxiliary verb here.
3. This is the proper word order, because this is a question.
My employees are predominantly lone wolves by their very nature. They work impeccably on their own but they have hard time getting along and this transfers in a severe friction in their teamwork.

Could you explain more on the severe friction in their teamwork? Do you mean they sometimes cannot reach a consensus or even make a conclusion after their discussion?


Could you explain more on the severe friction in their teamwork? Do you mean they sometimes cannot reach a consensus or even make a conclusion after a discussion?

1. This is a better choice of determiner, as you are not referring to a specific discussion.
That is precisely what I meant by my statement. The situation is very similar to grouping several lions together. They can all hunt for their own food but they cannot agree about anything because they each have their own ideas.

Yes, I totally understand what you are talking about. However, don't you think the reason is because you don't have a leader who is strong enough to lead this team?
Or do you mean you hire several lions without training them to make full use of them?


Yes, I totally understand what you are talking about. However, don't you think the reason is because you don't have a leader who is strong enough to lead this team?
Or do you mean you have several lions without training them to make full use of them?

1. You can't really mix your metaphors here, you can have lions, but you hire employees, so it's better to use this word.
Well, that is the reason why I need a manager so she or he could organise and lead my team. How would you solve this problem? Do you have any other questions regarding this position?

I see. In fact I have experience dealing this kind of stuff. I think the key is to set a goal and help all of them to realize what our common goal is. Then I will assign them roles and responsibilities after listening to them opinions. What do you think about it?


I see. In fact I have experience dealing with this kind of stuff. I think the key is to set a goal and help all of them realize what our common goal is. Then I will assign them roles and responsibilities after listening to their opinions. What do you think about this?

1. You are missing a preposition here.
2. You need a possessive pronoun here.
I think it's a good plan! Have you ever had a similar experience in your previous career? How have you solved it?

Thank you. Yes I have had some experience to share with you. I was named to be a leader of a project 2 years ago but the members include a few experienced members. It was very difficult to make them do what I think they should do in our team. Later I found out that was because they thought they know much more than I do so and they had diffferent plans from me. When I found out it, I had talks with everyone to listen their opinions and had them to communicate with each other in no time.


Thank you. Yes I have had some experience to share with you. I was named leader of a project 2 years ago but the group included a few experienced members. It was very difficult to make them do what I thought they should do in our team. Later I found out that was because they thought they knew much more than I do so they had diffferent plans. When I found out about it, I had talks with everyone to hear their opinions and had them communicating with each other in no time.

1. This is the proper way to form this expression.
2. It's best to use a different noun here, to avoid repeating the same one.
3. Because you are talking about the past, you need a past tense.
4. This version is more natural.
5. You can "listen to" or "hear". The latter is more appropriate here.
6. Because they didn't communicate once, but they started communicating normally in general, you should use the -ing form.
  • particular((名)項目、詳細、(形)特定の、特有の)
  • specification(明細書)
  • accountability(説明責任)
  • unique((名)類のない人、(形)ユニークな、唯一の)
  • relevant(関係のある)
  • requirements(必要条件、要件)
  • disclosure(公表、公開)
  • selective(選択的な)
  • specificity(特異性)
  • authority(権限、権力、支配者)
  • What can you offer me in terms of job security?(雇用保障は何を提示されますか。)
  • Does this position hold much authority within the ranks of mid-management?(このポジションは、中間管理職の中で大きな権限を持っているのでしょうか?)
  • Will there be opportunities for advancement or promotion within this division?(この部署内で昇進や昇給が与えられる機会はありますか?)
  • Will I be given the freedom to do my job efficiently?(自分の仕事を効率的に行うための自由が与えられているだろうか?)
  • What do you expect from my time in the office each week?(毎週オフィスにいる時間に、何を期待していますか?)
  • Will I have access to the top management of this division?(この部署のトップマネジメントへ接触することはできますか?)
  • Will I be able to work independently without having someone always looking over my shoulder?(誰かに監視されずに、私は個別に仕事をすることはできますか?)
  • What assurances do I have that my reports will not be shared with others without my permission?(私のレポートが許可なしで他の人に渡ることのないという確信はありますか?)
  • What kinds of support can I expect from top management?(マネジメントの上層部から私への支援はどのようなものが期待できますか?)
  • How much authority would I have in budgetary decisions?(予算決定権において、私はどのくらい権限がありそうですか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 英語面接
  • 雇用条件を聞く