
Let's recommend (introduce) other products to the customer.
Do you have other products like this?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have other products like this?

Yes, we have a wide variety of protein powders. There are fifteen different flavors such as chocolate, banana, strawberry, apple, coffee and so on. Our protein powder consists of 80% protein, 10% fat, and 10% carbohydrate. It is very easy to be dissolved into water. We recommend you to take 2g of protein per Kg on your weight. If you are 60kg, our recommended protein intake amount is 120g per day.


Yes, we have a wide variety of protein powders. There are fifteen different flavors such as chocolate, banana, strawberry, apple, coffee and so on. Our protein powder consists of 80% protein, 10% fat, and 10% carbohydrate. It is easily dissoluble in water. We recommend you to take 2g of protein per kg of your weight. If you are 60kg, our recommended protein intake amount is 120g per day.

1. This is an alternative way to structure this sentence. The adjective "dissoluble" is defined as - capable of being dissolved.
2. Use the preposition "of" to state specifically which thing of the general type mentioned you are referring to.
That is a very good percentage of the macro nutrients for building muscle and exercise support. How do your products stand out for other brands?

Exactly! We are very proud of our product and its quality. The point of differences of our products compared to other brands are two things. One is a wide range of flavors, and the other is our products are made in Japan. Also our taste is adjusted to Japanese people's taste preferences.


Exactly! We are very proud of our products and their quality. Our products are different from other products in two ways. One is we have a wide range of flavors, and the other is our products are made in Japan. Also, the tastes are adjusted to Japanese people's taste preferences.

1. Rephrased this sentence to make it clear.
2. The introductory phrase "also" requires a comma after it.
It is good to hear that. What is the satisfaction rating of your customers so far? How about the price? is it reasonable?

The satisfaction rate among our customers are 4.5 out of 5. It is competitively high vs. our competitors. 80% of our business is coming from repeaters. Thus, I can say that our customers are very satisfied with our products. Our price is also very attractive. It is 20% lower than imported protein powders.


The satisfaction rate among our customers is 4.5 out of 5. It is competitively high vs. our competitors. 80% of our business is coming from regulars. Thus, I can say that our customers are very satisfied with our products. Our price is also very attractive. It is 20% lower than imported protein powders.

1. The singular subject "rate" requires a singular verb [e.g. "is"].
2. A "regular" is a customer who buys your products often.
  • recommendation(おすすめ)
  • which(どちら、どれ、どの人)
  • another(他の)
  • different(異なった)
  • prefer(~を好む)
  • How about this?(こちらはどうですか?)
  • Would you like to try another one?(他のも試してみますか?)
  • May I bring you a different one?(違うものをお持ちしましょうか?)
  • Which one do you like more?(どちらの方が好みですか?)
  • I prefer the first one.(1つ目の方が好みです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 接客業/物販
  • 商品を案内する