
Explaining that the store does not have the type of product the customer is looking for.
Do you have something similar to this?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have something similar to this?

We are very sorry that we do not have that kind of products in our shop now. If you would like to buy something similar to that, we can order for it to manufactures. Can you please let me know your preferences if you like to order?


We are very sorry that we do not have that kind of products in our shop now. If you would like to buy something similar to that, we can order for it to manufacturers. Can you please let me know your preferences if you like to order?

1. A "manufacturer" is a person or company that makes goods for sale. "manufacture" as a noun means the making of articles on a large scale using machinery. The first one is the correct word.
I would like something exactly similar to this device. How long will it take for the device to be available here?

Ask right. If so, we will order the exactly similar device for you. It will take a week for the device to be available here. Could you please fill out this form with your name and phone number which we can reach you out? I will call you when the device gets available.


Ask right. If so, we will order the exactly similar device for you. It will take a week for the device to be available here. Could you please fill out this form with your name and phone number where we can reach you out? I will call you when the device gets available.

1. What do you mean by this?
2. I suggest using "where" as it is more common in this context.
Oh, I see. However, I need the device in three days. Do you have other devices that has similar functions with this one? I couldn't wait for a week. I will give this gadget as a gift.

All right. If so, how about this device? It looks different from the one which you like, but it is exactly same in terms of functions. If it is OK for you, you do not need to wait for one week or three day, but you can buy it today. We also offer free wrapping service for our customers. You can choose the color of wrapping paper and ribbon for your gift.


All right. If so, how about this device? It looks different from the one which you like, but it is exactly same in terms of functions. If it is OK for you, you do not need to wait for one week or three days, but you can buy it today. We also offer free wrapping service for our customers. You can choose the color of wrapping paper and ribbon for your gift.

1. Use the plural form because "three" is plural.
  • sorry(申し訳なく思って)
  • does not carry(取り扱っていない)
  • request(要求)
  • alternative(別の)
  • another(他の)
  • We don't carry that item.(私たちはその商品を取り扱っていません。)
  • Should we look for an alternative item?(代わりになるものを探しましょうか?)
  • Do you still deal with that product?(あの商品をまだ扱っていますか?)
  • The store next door probably might have it.(隣のお店ならあるかもしれません。)
  • We don't carry that item anymore.(もうその商品は取り扱っていません。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 接客業/物販
  • 商品を案内する