
Explaining that this product is the last one in stock.
Do you still have any in stock?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you still have any in stock?

Thank you very much for getting interested in our product. I am very sorry that we do not have any more inventories of the product and it is the last one. If it is fine with you, you can buy it. Would you like to buy it or do you like to look for something else?


Thank you very much for getting interested in our product. I am very sorry that we do not have any more inventory of the product and it is the last one. If it is fine with you, you can buy it. Would you like to buy it or would you like to look for something else?

1. [inventory] would refer to the supply or whole collection of something, also similar to a record, list or catalogue, and since you are talking about only one product here, you would have one inventory of the stocks left of this product, so the singular inventory is more appropriate here.
2. We use [would] here to be consistent or parallel with the structure of the first clause.
Well, I have to check first whether it's scratched or broken. Would you mind if I do that ? If everything is all right with the product I will buy it for sure.

Thank you very much for your understanding. Of course, you can check whether it is scratched or broken. Here it is. If you would like to look for something else, I will bring several other options for you. We have a wide variety of products with wide price range. I believe you can find a good product even if you do not like it.


Thank you very much for your understanding. Of course, you can check whether it is scratched or flawed. Here it is. If you would like to look for something else, I will bring several other options for you. We have a wide variety of products with a wide price range. I believe you can find a good product even if you do not like this one.

1. This is just an alternative term and is even more applicable for a range of different products, whether it's clothes or devices, especially since you identified the product as a shirt in the next paragraph.
2. We use [a] here for the singular countable noun [range/price range].
3. The original sentence was a bit confusing because [even if you do not like it] seems to be describing [a good product] so at first glance, the sentence seemed to be saying that the customer will find a good product even if he did not like that [good product], but you were actually referring to the item that was out of stock. Using [this one] would specifically refer to the item that is out of stock and clarifies your sentence.
Yes, i appreciate it. Would you bring me several items to choose from? Maybe I can buy better than my first option.

Sure. Let me bring several choices for you so that you can choose from them. Could you please let me know your preferences such as color, size, texture and price range? I will bring several best options for your shirt. By the way, are you interested in trousers? If so, I will also bring some choices which suit your shirt.


Sure. Let me bring several choices for you so that you can choose from them. Could you please let me know your preferences such as color, size, texture and price range? I will bring several best options for your shirt. By the way, are you interested in trousers? If so, I will also bring some choices which will pair well with your shirt.

1. This is a great paragraph. This is just an alternative term to mean the same thing. Also, we will still use [will] here since you are describing a possibility.

Excellent writing! Enjoy your Skype lesson! ^_^
  • the last one(最後のひとつ)
  • look for(探す)
  • leftovers(残りの)
  • famous(有名な)
  • soon(早く)
  • Should we ask the other stores?(違う店舗に聞きますか?)
  • This item is the last one.(この商品は最後のひとつです。)
  • We don't have anymore left.(もう残っていません。)
  • The new design will be released soon.(新しいデザインがもうすぐ発売されます。)
  • You should get one as soon as possible.(早めに買っておいたほうがいいですよ。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 接客業/物販
  • 商品を案内する