
Our company's products boast the highest sales in the Japanese supplement industry. Our products are made from 100% Japanese pesticide-free organic food. Until now, we have not expanded into the world, but we are thinking of expanding globally as we are now establishing a new production system. First of all, we have started sales here in China. Now, you can purchase our products at a trial price. What do you think about that?
Our company's products boast the highest sales in the Japanese supplement industry. Our products are made from 100% Japanese pesticide-free organic food. Until now, we have not expanded into the world, but we are thinking of expanding globally as we are now establishing a new production system. First of all, we have started sales here in China. Now, you can purchase our products at a trial price. What do you think about that?
Payment in installments is of course possible and we can arrange upon request. Are you purchasing as an individual or as the company?
Payment in installments is of course possible, and we can arrange it upon request. Are you purchasing as an individual or as a company?
I understand. We have an affiliated delivery facility in Shanghai, so we can deliver according to your request.
I hope so too. If there is an opportunity for us to explain to your boss, I would appreciate it if you could set it. I will visit you anytime.
I hope so too. If there is an opportunity for us to explain this to your boss, I would appreciate it if you could set it up. I'll visit you anytime.
- distinction(差異、特質)
- reputation(高い評価)
- trust(信頼)
- achievement(成果、業績)
- longevity(長生き、長寿)
- earned(勤労)
- reputable(評判の良い、信頼できる)
- stellar(非常に素晴らしい)
- recognized(広く[一般に]認められている)
- exemplary(模範となる)
- We can attribute the increase in sales mostly due to word of mouth.(売り上げが伸びたのは、ほとんどが口コミのおかげだと思います。)
- My company's stellar performance over the past decade is unsurpassed in the business community.(この10年間の弊社の輝かしい業績はビジネス界で最高です。)
- We have a great reputation wherever we operate.(どの営業所もすばらしく高い評価をいただいています。)
- Don't take my word for it; ask anyone in the business community about my company's reputation.(私の言葉を鵜呑みにせず、ビジネス界の人に私の会社の評判を聞いてみてください。)
- Above all, we can be trusted.(何よりもまず、私たちを信用してください。)
- We have been in this business longer than anyone else.(弊社はこの業界で一番長い会社です。)
- Longevity is one of the best signs of a successful company.(長く続いているということは、成功した会社の最高のサインの一つです。)
- We really believe that "the customer is always right".(「お客様は神様です」という言葉をとても大事にしています。)
- We base our success on exemplary customer service.(模範となるカスタマーサービスをもとに成功しています。)
- We have consistently earned a 5-star rating by an independent rating service.(独立した評価サービスによる5つ星の評価を常に獲得しています。)