
Making dessert recommendations.
I feel like having something sweet.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I feel like having something sweet.

Certainly. This is the dessert menu. We have many delicious dishes, such as cake, pie, and ice cream. What dishes would you like?


Certainly, this is the dessert menu. We have many delicious dishes, such as cake, pie, and ice cream. What dishes would you like?

1 - A complete sentence requires a main clause, which includes a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. When one of these components is missing, the result is called a sentence fragment or incomplete sentence. To correct the problem, the fragment must be rewritten to include a main clause or joined in some way with the existing main clause of another sentence.
I would like to have a pie or cake. What kinds of cakes and pies do you have? Do you have cheesecake?

Sure. We have a strawberry cake, chocolate cake, fruit tart, apple pie, and blueberry pie. However, I don't have a cheese cake. Do you like cheese as a dessert?


Sure. We have a strawberry cake, chocolate cake, fruit tart, apple pie, and blueberry pie. However, I don't have a cheesecake. Do you like cheese as a dessert?

1 - This is the correct way to write this word.
I would like to have blueberry pie. A slice please. Which drink would you recommend I pair with it?

Yes, of course. I have various tea, such as royal milk tea, lemon tea, chinese tea, and herbs tea. We can make them both cold and hot. Which do you prefer?


Yes, of course. I have various teas, such as royal milk tea, lemon tea, Chinese tea, and herbal tea. We can make them both cold and hot. Which do you prefer?

1,2,3 - To sound more fluent in your writing, be sure to use correct grammar and word order, use each word correctly, and combine words idiomatically.
Oh, I would like my tea to be hot for sure. How is the Chinese tea? I have always wanted to try that out.

We can prepare a jasmine tea. It's so fragrant and you might fell relaxed. Jasmine tea is made by its flower. If you haven't had it, please try it.


We can prepare a jasmine tea. It's so fragrant, and you might feel relaxed. Jasmine tea is made by its flower. If you haven't had it, please try it.

1 - A compound sentence includes two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so). In a compound sentence, the conjunction is in most cases preceded by a comma.
However, if both independent clauses are very short, it’s acceptable to omit the comma.
2 - The word fell doesn’t seem to fit this context. Consider replacing it with a different one.
That sounds really nice. I would love to try that out. I need to however go to the restroom before that. Could you tell me where it is, please?

The rest room is over the kitchen. If you don't know, please ask the other staff members. I'll confirm your order. It's a blueberry pie and Chinese tea. I'll offer the combo price. I'll prepare them soon. Please go to the restroom beforehand.


The restroom is over the kitchen. If you don't know, please ask the other staff members. I'll confirm your order. It's a blueberry pie and Chinese tea. I'll offer the combo price. I'll prepare them soon. Please go to the restroom beforehand.

1 - This is the correct way to write this word.
  • favorite cake(好きなケーキ)
  • fresh juice(フレッシュジュース)
  • half size(ハーフサイズ)
  • pudding(プリン)
  • takeout menu(持ち帰りメニュー)
  • Would you care for some more coffee?(コーヒーのおかわりはいかがですか?)
  • When would you like your dessert?(いつデザートをお持ちしますか?)
  • Would you like your tea with milk or a slice of lemon? (紅茶にミルクかレモンをおつけいたしますか?)
  • Would you like one or two?(ひとつですか?それともふたつでしょうか?)
  • Would you like dessert?(デザートはいかがですか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • ホテル業界
  • 接客業/飲食店
  • レストラン・バンケット業務
  • 給仕する