
Explaining a food recommendation to a guest.
What do you recommend?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you recommend?

Do you know a dish of steak tartare? There are many jokes about tourists ordering steak tartare and sending it back to the kitchen because they discover that it's raw. However, that's what steak tartare is. The raw beef or horse meat served on a plate with a raw egg yolk on top. It usually serves with onions, herbs, capers, and Worcestershire sauce.


Do you know _ steak tartare? There are many jokes about tourists ordering steak tartare and sending it back to the kitchen because they discover that it's raw. However, that's what steak tartare is. The raw beef or horse meat is served on a plate with a raw egg yolk on top. It is usually served with onions, herbs, capers, and Worcestershire sauce.

1. steak tartare is a famous steak dish, so you don't have to mention the phrase "a dish of" as it makes your sentence unnecessarily wordy.
2. This is a passive voice sentence, so use the "auxiliary + main verb".
3,4. the principle applied here is the same as #2.
Oh, I am not really familiar with steak tartare. I don't think I would eat raw beef. Do you like steak tartare?

That’s true indeed. We Japanese often eat raw fish, Sashimi and Sushi, so we are familiar with raw meat. Meanwhile, we have Basashi, its raw house sashimi.


That’s true indeed. We Japanese often eat raw fish, Sashimi and Sushi, so we are familiar with raw meat. Meanwhile, we have Basashi, its raw horse sashimi.

1.You made a spelling mistake here.
Yeah, I have tried sushi once, It's not that bad. Why do you prefer to eat raw food? Do you think it's healthy?

I believe that a raw food diet can clear up headaches and allergies, boost immunity and improve diabetes. The reason is that idea of heating food destroys some nutrients and natural enzymes, so raw food helps control blood pressure. On the other hand, in general, cooking makes your food more easily digestible and safer.


I believe that a raw food diet can clear up headaches and allergies, boost immunity and improve diabetes. The reason is that idea of heating food destroys some nutrients and natural enzymes. Moreover, raw food helps control blood pressure. On the other hand, in general, cooking makes your food more easily digestible and safer.

1. You have not established a logical connection between blood pressure and food nutrients and when food is cooked. You can add the idea using an adverb.
  • our specialty(おすすめの料理)
  • be made of ~(~からなる)
  • served on rice(丼物)
  • sliced raw fish and shellfish(さしみ)
  • deep fried prawn(海老フライ)
  • This comes recommended by our chef. (これはシェフのおすすめです。)
  • It's one of our specialties.(当店の自慢の料理のひとつでございます。)
  • A dry red wine would be good for this dish.(こちらの料理には辛口の赤ワインがよろしいと思いますが。)
  • This dish is the most popular dish in our restaurant.(こちらのメニューが当店で一番人気です。)
  • Which do you like, fish or meat?(魚と肉料理どちらがお好きですか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • ホテル業界
  • 接客業/飲食店
  • レストラン・バンケット業務
  • 注文を受ける