
Identifying and discussing operational issues at a branch office
Thank you for coming, Mr. Yamada.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Thank you for coming, Mr. Yamada.

Thank you for sparing your time on such short notice. I received your email about there are some products that are a slow seller. Also, I have checked the financial statements in your branch, and it looks like there are expenses that had overpaid these past few years. Can you explain the details to me?


Thank you for sparing your time on such short notice. I received your email about there being some products that are a slow seller. Also, I have checked the financial statements in your branch, and it looks like there are expenses that had overpaid these past few years. Can you explain the details to me?

1 This is another suitable be-verb to use in this context for the natural expression of the state of being in this context
I'm sorry to hear that. Could you please give more information about this matter? I was not informed of this. The sales number looked good.

There has been a gradual trend of declining sales from last year. We didn't do anything about it because it was still acceptable, but it has been decreasing dramatically in the past month. The reason for this is clear: the construction of a large shopping center near here seems to have caused the customers to flow to that area. As for the financial statements, an over payment was made in selling and distribution expenses. Did you use it for any advertising or other costs?


There has been a gradual trend of declining sales from last year. We didn't do anything about it because it was still acceptable, but it has been decreasing dramatically in the past month. The reason for this is clear: the construction of a large shopping center near here seems to have caused the customers to flow to that area. As for the financial statements, an overpayment was made in selling and distribution expenses. Did you use it for any advertising or other costs?

1 This is one word, not two separate words
I'm not aware of any payment. We used 1600 euros for advertising but no more than that. What other payment?

How about the shipping and insurance costs? Did you have any events or circumstances to cause an increase in those expenses? It is important to tell your employees to report specifically, so we can define which money each branch has used.


How about the shipping and insurance costs? Did you have any events or circumstances to cause an increase in those expenses? It is important to tell your employees to report specifically, so we can track which money each branch has used.

1 This is another alternative you can also use in the same context
Thank you for reminding me. That's it. Insurance costs. I remember the accountant mentioning the insurance.

Okay, so what insurance did you pay it for? If it's necessary for the company, we will continue to pay it. Please be informed that these will be reported to headquarters for future reference. For the increase in the sale, let us have a meeting to come up with a solution to get our costumers back.


Okay, so what insurance did you pay it for? If it's necessary for the company, we will continue to pay it. Please be informed that these will be reported to headquarters for future reference. For the increase in the sale, let us have a meeting to come up with a solution to regain our costumers.

1 It was initially correct, this is just another option
I'd let the accountant get back to you regarding the insurance premium we are on. I think it's prudent we have an emergency meeting to discuss ways of getting our customers back.

I need to check with the other departments with their schedule. I will contact you when the meeting has been decided. If you have any other concerns, please let me know at this number. It's 235-873-3874, but if I can't answer the phone, someone else will be able to help you, and you can tell them your requirements.


I need to check with the other departments with their schedule. I will contact you when the meeting has been decided. If you have any other concerns, please let me know at this number. It's 235-873-3874, but if I can't answer the phone, someone else will be able to help you, and you can let them know your requirements.

1 It was initially correct, this is just another alternative
  • subpar(基準[平均]以下の)
  • ambiguous(曖昧な)
  • lax(〔規律などが〕緩い、手ぬるい)
  • laissez faire(自由放任主義(の))
  • vague(曖昧な、不明瞭な)
  • nonchalant(無頓着な、無関心な)
  • unproductive(非生産的な、利益のない、効果のない)
  • inefficient(非能率[効率]的な)
  • disjointed(支離滅裂な、バラバラの、まとまりがない)
  • convoluted(複雑な、入り組んだ)
  • I am appalled by the laissez faire attitude of your entire staff.(そちらのスタッフ全般の放任的態度について呆れています。)
  • Your disciplinary policies are quite lax, to say the least.(そちらの研修制度は控えめに言ったとしても、とても緩いです。)
  • If your supervisors are presented with ambiguous objectives, you can't expect them to remain focused.(もしあなたの上司が曖昧な目標を立てていたら、それらに今後も重点を置くことはできません。)
  • Your operational manual is disjointed and difficult to understand.(そちらの操作マニュアルは支離滅裂でわかりにくいです。)
  • What kinds of resources and support do you need to increase the productivity of your office?(あなたのオフィスの生産性を高めるために、どのような資源と支援が必要ですか?)
  • Your assistant seems quite nonchalant about the issues under discussion.(あなたのアシスタントは、今討論中の問題についてとても無関心のようですね。)
  • The CEO made it very clear that he is not happy with your office's subpar performance last month.(CEOは、先月のあなたの職場の基準以下のパフォーマンスについて満足していないということを明確にしました。)
  • What would you list as the top 3 achievements of your office so far this year?(今年のあなたの職場での3大重要課題は今のところなんですか?)
  • Who would you identify as indispensable out of all the people in your company?(あなたの会社にいる人の中で、誰が必要不可欠な存在だと思いますか?)
  • We will need to address the issue of downsizing at next month's management meeting.(来月のマネジメント会議では、人員削減の問題に取り組む必要があるでしょう。)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • ミーティング
  • 議論する
  • 部門:営業