
Talking about your company
What company do you work for?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What company do you work for?

I work at an BPO company.
I am an agent of IT help desk. As such, customers asks about networks, PCs and devices and so on.
I work at an BPO company.
I am an agent of IT help desk. Hence, customers asks about networks, PCs and devices and so on.


I work at a BPO company.
I am an agent of the IT help desk. Therefore, customers ask me about networks, PCs, devices and so on.

1. If the noun or the adjective before the noun starts with a vowel sound (not a letter, but a sound), we should use the article 'an'. Vowels are 'AEIOU'. We need "a" with "BPO". We cannot use "an" before the consonant sound "B".
2. We use the definite article "the" in front of a noun when we believe the listener/reader knows exactly which specific noun we are referring to. You're referring to a specific noun, specific 'help desk', so we need the definite article 'the' here.
3. "As such" is not usually used here. We could use "in my line of work", to explain what happens there, or we could use "therefore" or "hence" to show consequences or results.
4. We must use singular verbs with singular subjects and plural verbs with plural subjects. If a subject is singular (for example, "cat"), the verb must be singular too (for example, "plays"), and if a subject is plural, the verb must be plural too (cars have; people go). Subject-verb agreement refers to the agreement or harmony between the subject (the person, thing, or concept that performs the action) and the verb (the action or state of being) in a sentence. It means that the form of the verb must match the form of the subject in terms of number and person. Remembering and applying subject-verb agreement rules helps ensure that sentences are grammatically correct and sound natural.
5. We need an object to explain who receives questions from customers. We could use "me".
6. "And" should not be used here because "and so on" was used at the end. We need a comma.
7. The sentence "I am an agent of IT help desk. Hence, customers asks about networks, PCs and devices and so on." is almost identical to the previous sentence, except for the phrase "hence" which was used instead of "as such". Correction 3 provides an explanation about what phrase should be used here, so this sentence is not required. And the rest of the corrections are identical as well.
Do you work for a Japanese company or a global one? What is the environment like in your company? Do you enjoy working?

My company is Japanese one.
I think, atmosphere is good. More over, my coworkers are kind. So, I feel good.
So far, I enjoy working in this company.


My company is Japanese   .
I thin the atmosphere is good. Moreover, my coworkers are kind. So, I feel good.
So far, I enjoy working in this company.

1. "One" is not required here. We only need the adjective to describe the subject.
2. The comma is not required here.
3. We use the definite article "the" in front of a noun when we believe the listener/reader knows exactly which specific noun we are referring to. You're referring to a specific noun, specific 'atmosphere ', so we need the definite article 'the' here.
4. "Moreover" is usually written as one word.
That sounds interesting! Does your BPO company focus on supporting Japanese clients specifically, or is it international?

My department only has Japanese clients.
But other departments have overseas clients.


My department only has Japanese clients.
But other departments have overseas clients.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "However, other departments cater to clients from abroad."
That sounds interesting! Does your work involve troubleshooting a lot of common technical issues, or do you deal with more complex IT problems for your Japanese clients? Does your company offer great employment benefits?

In most case we deal with common technical issues. My work is really simple.
My company's employment benefits are normal, I think. Annual holidays are 122 days.


In most cases, we deal with common technical issues. My work is really simple.
My company's employment benefits are normal, I think. Annual holidays are 122 days.

1. "Most" should be followed by a plural noun and we need the comma after the introductory phrase "in most cases".
122 annual holidays sounds very generous! How has the company changed or grown since you started working here?

Is that so? My company is very ordinary.

I guess the number of employees has increased a bit. That's all I can think of.


Is that so? My company is very ordinary.

I guess the number of employees has increased a bit. That's all I can think of.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "I suppose there has been a slight increase in the number of employees."
  • manufacturer(製造業者、メーカー)
  • manufacture(製造する)
  • salespeople(販売員)
  • sales department(販売部、販売課)
  • colleagues(同僚、仕事仲間)
  • solo work(単独作業)
  • employee(従業員)
  • I work as an engineer.(私はエンジニアとして働いています。)
  • I work for a chemical manufacturer.(私は化学メーカーに勤務しています。)
  • How long have you been working at your company?(その会社ではもうどれぐらい働いているんですか? )
  • Do you work long hours?(長時間働いているのですか?)
  • Do you often go on business trips overseas?(海外出張へよく行かれますか?)
  • What do you like most about (your job)?(社内でのあなたの役割はなんですか?)
  • There are many services, such as live streaming, that have helped people communicate with one another.(ライブ配信など、人と人とのコミュニケーションに役立つサービスはたくさんあります。)


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  • 新入社員研修
  • 自社について話す
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