
Talking about your company
What company do you work for?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What company do you work for?

I work at a Japanese IT company as a software engineer. I've been working for almost 4 years. Currently, I involved an in-house development project of a test app. I like my job.


I work at a Japanese IT company as a software engineer. I've been working there for almost 4 years. Currently, I am involved in an in-house development project for a test app. I like my job.

1. Object is needed here. 'There'- at the company.
2. Verb 'to be' ( present tense form) is needed here.
3. Preposition 'in' is needed here, you are
involved in something.
4. You should use preposition 'for' here to express the purpose of the project.
5. You can also say: ' I enjoy my job.'
I see you are working for an IT company. When was your company established? Where is it headquartered?

My company was established in 1990. The headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan.


My company was established in 1990. The headquarters are located in Tokyo, Japan.

1. Plural form 'headquarters' is more commonly used so 'are' should be used here.
Does your company have branch offices in Japan and overseas?
How does it advertise or promote its services?

My company has offices in only Japan.
There are some kinds of advertising methods like TV commercials and SNS advertisings.
The advertisings are one of the things my company is forcusing on now.


My company has offices only in Japan.
There are several kinds of advertising methods like TV commercials and SNS advertising.
Advertising is one of the things my company is forcusing on now.

1. This is a better word order.
2. This is a better word choice to refer to a few types.
3. Advertising is uncountable noun.
4. Advertising is uncountable, article is not needed since you are talking about advertising in general.
  • manufacturer(製造業者、メーカー)
  • manufacture(製造する)
  • salespeople(販売員)
  • sales department(販売部、販売課)
  • colleagues(同僚、仕事仲間)
  • solo work(単独作業)
  • employee(従業員)
  • I work as an engineer.(私はエンジニアとして働いています。)
  • I work for a chemical manufacturer.(私は化学メーカーに勤務しています。)
  • How long have you been working at your company?(その会社ではもうどれぐらい働いているんですか? )
  • Do you work long hours?(長時間働いているのですか?)
  • Do you often go on business trips overseas?(海外出張へよく行かれますか?)
  • What do you like most about (your job)?(社内でのあなたの役割はなんですか?)
  • There are many services, such as live streaming, that have helped people communicate with one another.(ライブ配信など、人と人とのコミュニケーションに役立つサービスはたくさんあります。)


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